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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
I really like the Tool Container. I also really like to have neat and tidy modules. Sometimes though, the two are in conflict because the Tool Container automatically sizes itself so I end up playing around with tool placement to get my containers the same.
Could you please add the option to make the Tool Container a sizeable object (like the Explorer Box) or give width and height value boxes in the tool properties?
What if you had the option to connect tools without the lines going across the canvas?
This might be useful in cases where one connection is close but another is far away.
Of course, it would need to be easy to turn these on and off, and to jump from one end to the other.
The idea came up at a SoCal Alteryx users group this summer. Would other people like to see something like this?
It would be nice to have Directory tool working for ftp. I would like to have the list of files on a ftp server including sub folders
I have recently been building some reports and have some suggestions for later releases of Alteryx.
1. Map tool – have option to put border around map within the properties window. Currently, I have to use a layout tool to put a border on a map.
2. Map tool – Same thing with legend (especially when legend is output as a separate field
3. All tools – be able to put a browse tool after the tool using the Properties window. I was thinking right above the “Apply” button (check mark bottom left corner)
Just some thoughts that would make life better.
Similar concept to how when you right click on a folder, computer icon, or file in windows. When you right click on any of these things you are able to pull up a properties link/tab which gives you relevant information and path of the file location.
For this particular idea the properties tab will give information on the Alias, such as server type, connection type; ie microsoft provider or oracle provider, etc.
This would be helpful not only to go back and understand why you choose that connection type, but also when training others.
Thank you
Like many of you, I have a lot of modules and macros ... and growing. I keep them fairly organized in different folders and subfolders but sometimes I can't find that particular module I was working on weeks ago.... and I need to get it now. Now I end up doing an advanced search in windows explorer by date and maybe looking for certain keywords.
It would be nice to keep track of them in alteryx - add tags, customer names. depts to modules (meta info tab)?
Maybe a special container/gui with time line would read the meta info tab so you can more easily find that one module/macro
Also, another gui containing tool name tags so you can easily find all module that use that one tool you're looking for
I just upgraded to the new Alteryx 8.6 which I'm looking forward to using, however, it is quite frustrating that none of my customized user settings are maintained during the install process. I make a few customizations:
And there are so many other customizations that I don't go near (but might if they were maintained during upgrade), like:
Please implement a way of maintaining these settings!!
I would like the ablity to view the processing order of tools within module prior to processing and if needed reprioratize which tool processes first/last. It would also be great to have the ablity to disable a subset of tools within a module prior to processing.
Create a new module that outputs statistics after processing. For instance creating a table of all used modules by reference number with fields for records input, records output, processing time, processor load, memory used. As well as starttime, endtime, username, hostname, etc. This would make debugging quite a bit easier, expecially if the results could be output to Excel.