Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Label the Test tool output message

We use the test tool extensively in our App and Macro authoring. It would be very useful to have the ability to label the tested values so that when the Test tool writes to the output window it’s more descriptive.
Currently this is the report
Error: Market (1): Tool #235: The test "The count of Columns does not match the count of Labels." failed: TargetNumRecords(#2)==102, NumRecords(#1)==106
A more useful report would be
Error: Market (1): Tool #235: The test "The count of Columns does not match the count of Labels." failed: Columns (#2)==102, Labels (#1)==106
1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your post! This idea is interesting to us, but is something we cannot apply to the current road map. We would like to keep it in mind however for future road map decisions. Once we know when or if this idea can be added we'll update the status again.