Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Zoom To Selected and Zoom To All

Add a button to the zoom tools toolbar that zooms the workspace to all selected tools.

Add a button to the zoom tools toolbar that zooms the workspace to all tools.
5 - Atom

Allow Zoom Out setting to be user-customizable, to allow zoom to the preferred level with a single click. This will avoid needing to repeatedly click zoom out.

8 - Asteroid

Adding to AndrewM, make Zoom Out a setting under Tools | User Setting.


As I gain more experience with Alteryx, I find that I zoom out more so that I can see more of the code.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately we do not have plans to implement this idea within the  next year. 

7 - Meteor

This may be helpful -- there's a "shortcut":


Zoom to entire workflowCtrl + 0
Zoom to entire workflowDouble-click mouse center button