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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I love the ability to cache data. Sometimes, I've cached too far and I need to go back and alter a tool's configuration or make some other cache-destroying change. I then have to recache somewhere and sometimes the dataset is so huge it is a pain. I'd love to create multiple cache points as a safety or backup.


In conjunction with the "First N% of Rows" and "Group by column (optional)" features, an additional option that would be great to have would be to tell the tool to take at least 1 record per group. If I am telling the tool to take the first 3% of records and grouping by a field, but one of the groups only has 5 records, it won't return any records for that group, as 3% of 5 is .15, so the tool rounds that down to 0. If I could also choose an option for the tool to always round up, that would also be sufficient.


In the formula tool, you can generate uniform random values using the RAND() function.

I would like to have similar functionality to get normal random values by calling RANDN().



As a workaround, the values can be produced from a Python tool using 



Python documentation on numpy.random.randn.


The full script below produces 100 random normal values in a column called 'Normal_Rand'.



The zip file has both a direct workflow and macro solution to produce the random normal values.


Would like to have the ability to filter to searched fields. Having the ability to search for already known fields, and then selecting those fields, temporarily, and isolating them for view. While there is the selection of fields under "X of Y fields", this still requires manual clicks and could be tedious when there could be a large amount of fields.


While you could also use the SELECT tool, that would still require manually searching for the field and isolating it for viewing. This could possibly be an enhancement for the SELECT tool or it could be an enhancement for the "X of Y fields".



I'd like to suggest that Alteryx make annotations able to be hidden or visible by right clicking or hovering over a little highlighted corner similar to comments/notes in Excel.  Have a highlighted corner of tools when there is an annotation. When hovering over the colored corner, user is able to view the annotation otherwise it is hidden and out of the way of the tool box. 


I know y'all are working on data lineage for some future offering and it is very much needed. For highest quality results, please make logs a primary source of lineage information. Being able to use dynamic naming with some tools and macros makes the names in the workflows simple foobar placeholders and do not reflect what actually happened. Today Connect doesn't use logs and leaves many lineage gaps because of this


Please move this to a more appropriate category if needed. This future feature work is not part of Connect.


Hello all,


My idea is very simple, and this is most likely I'm used to do. After highlighting the fields in the select tool, the next action is to click Options and to apply what to do. My idea is just after highlighting, right click on mouse button to go exactly on Options menu. Just a simple right click. I think this behavior is most likely comes from Microsoft, I'm used to select multiple lines or cells and with right click to do the next action. It's a simple, but powerful. What do you think?




The DateTime Tool currently displays incoming date-time data types in a dropdown menu and "If no date-time columns are present, the field appears dimmed and shows 'No Suitable Input Fields Available'". However, considering the complexity of date formats, it's beneficial to directly view the data type of incoming date-time data instead of relying solely on visual inspection. While Designer filters options based on string or date/time types automatically, having visibility into the data type ensures a more sound interpretation of the input for analysis purposes.


When making changes to a UI, it would be beneficial if I could move objects horizontally instead of only vertically. Additionally, being able to resize items in the interface designer could improve end user experience. Currently I have List Boxes that are cutting off some words in a workflow and if I could extend the box or wrap the text then I wouldn't lose any context. 


The second idea is the freedom to sort the workflows in collections that I control in anyway that I choose.


I pull data from APIs frequently in my workflow, which has some potential for error if the API is unavailable.  I would love to be able to develop the workflow without having to add in some text box place holders or record count feature to allow the remainder of the workflow to run without error and potentially be able to try the API again so if "Invalid authentication" route to a section that will regenerate an authentication and retry the data call.  I have currently worked out some hacks to be able to work through the issue but it makes the workflow very messy.  A tool like the Detour tour that goes if value contains 400 go this way.  If value contains 200 then close off this container and continue on the other one.   Maybe the request is to allow the detour tool to be set to a specific value and maybe have multiple route options  if A then do connection one,  if B then do connection two or If C then do connection three.




I think it would be very helpful (and very easy) to add metadata to a yxdb with the name and location of the workflow that created or most recently updated that file. Right now I have to add a column to the data frame with a formula tool with the location, which puts the filepath on every single line, and is not how I want to present a finished product dataset to a superior. Thank you!


Currently, you can only type forward in the Description Window in the Meta Info tab.  So once your description is in there for your workflow, you have to retype the information or type it in notepad and save it back in there. It would be nice if you could type on any previous line in that window.


It would be nice to also have some additional fields that appear to be common among the community, such as Data Sources and Purpose.  That way you could use the Description window for version notes and any other notes for the user.


The Directory tool should also retrieve the author/creator name of a file along with an audit trail of anyone that made changes to the file. The audit trail option may need to be a different preparation tool but the information would be useful.


Providing detailed information about inputs, outputs, data sources and assumptions provides useful information to us that may not always be obvious within a workflow, especially one with many tools used. While the comment tool is useful, and I enjoy the customization options, I think some updates to the annotation tool would be useful.


One improvement I would like to see is the ability to summarize and download all annotations to a PDF document; color coding the annotations according to the tool used would also be helpful. Having this information readily available for presentation purposes or for enterprise-wide users of workflows would be beneficial. 


If this is already possible, please let me know!


The Find Nearest tool allows setting a distance in units of miles and kilometers. It would be incredibly convenient to specify units of feet or meters also. I find that in most instances, 1 mile is vastly large for the analysis I am working on and I have to include additional logic to confirm incorrect matching is not occurring.


Dear Alteryx


Typing econometric formulas within the Formula tools can be very tyring when formulas are long and complex


What would be very nice, would be to have the possibility the get a a kind of "Formula" format (in adition to double , string, datetime ...).

When the format is set to Formula, Alteryx automatically detect that it is a formula and use it as such.

It would allow to import easily external models formulas without to type or paste them within Alteryx


Many thanks




When opening the File Open dialog in Designer for loading a file from the Gallery, the default location inside the Gallery is set to "All Locations". 

2024-05-07 08_28_10-Alteryx Designer x64 - New Workflow1.png

In most of the cases, a developer does not want to work on a workflow produced by a random other person having stored a workflow in the Gallery but on his own workflows. Thus, the default should be "My Private Studio".

2024-05-07 08_28_32-Alteryx Designer x64 - New Workflow2.png

Please apply the change to open the file open dialog with "My Private Studio" selected.


Hey team,


I like the profiling function in the browser. Unfortunately, there is not built-in export function. Would it be possible to implement a function to export the profiling results into excel and PDF?





I have been creating tools that access API data that needs a valid token that does expire.  I use iterative macros because I sometimes need to do offsets and loop around but I also need to confirm that the token is still valid and there is a limit of how many time you can generate a token on a run so I don't want to regenerate the token on each loop.  I sometimes can use the filter tool to accomplish this goal but I have to do some weird place holder stuff so it does not error if no data is coming through.  A nice to have would be if you could have it configure like you do the radio button input to say if value is YES then keep this part of the workflow on if value is "NO" then turn off this sections.


Hi, I have been using different tools for some time now and now I started using Alteryx. It would be better if you can provide a feature to select particular components of workflow and on clicking Run, only selected components gets executed. It would save lots of config  time and resources. In case none is selected, the workflow shall execute all tools/functions as it is currently running.  I am open to test these features, if approved by Alteryx Team.

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