Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Can we have a tool to optimize another tool's configuration based on an output target? For example optimize the fuzzy logic setup to find the optimal tool configuration that yields the best matching score for a given data set.


Would like to be able to connect to the Stibo STEP system/database as a Data Source. Some people have the Stibo server on-premise while others have it hosted in Amazon (AWS).


Not sure what else I could provide at this point for further details.


Hello Alteryx Gurus - 


I've got some workflows that run daily, but there are times, depending on the breaks, wherein I don't get any data from one of my data sources.  Which is actually fine, nobody did Job X today.  But it makes Alteryx puke out and I get an error message emailed to me.  Ultimately, I've got to hop into the rather voluminous log entries to determine if this was a data stream not initialized / was empty error, or something else that I actually need to care about. 


That being said, in the coding realm, it is relatively simple to look for specific flavors of exceptions and then just eat them without notifying people.  So, why not add something to the runtime / events panel for emailing at error time to allow for ignoring data stream not initialized errors?  In this way, I could get notified when there is a real error I need to pay attention to, and not get notified when there is no new data, which isn't really that big a deal.  


Thank you for attending my TED talk on enhanced error reporting and exception classification capabilities.






I have searched the community but haven't found any obvious solutions to this.


When using a cross tab I often find that there shouldn't be any aggregated values and if there is it means there is an issue with my data or workflow.


Therefore I think a useful feature would be an option for the cross tab tool to be able to return an error if it trying to aggregate any values.


I have a work around by using a summarize tool to count the non unique records and then a test to see if there are any duplicates but I think this could be a useful addition to the tool.




Could you add a presentation mode to Alteryx Designer. When I demonstrate Alteryx Workflow to my colleagues, what Alteryx is doing is great, but it doesn't look great. I'd like to see more clarity and flair when running workflows. In presentation mode, all tools should be dimly grayed out immediately after run, and tools that are 100% complete should be bright and clear.


It would be nice to have the option to open a macro from the configuration window.  I often use the find tool to locate macros and sometimes they are in collapsed tool containers or buried under other tools and it makes it difficult to right click on the tool itself.  The find tool brings up the configuration window so if there was a button on that window it would make opening the macro more efficient.



The macro input tool asks for a template input that is either a text or file input. A perfect template can be hard to come by and so I wonder if the macro input could just ask how many columns are expected and the type and size that this column should be. I feel this would be more intuitive and easier to debug. 


While scrolling through the analytics gallery, if I click on a tool  on page 5 to read the details and then hit back key, it takes me back to page 1. It would be nice to just go back to my previous page.  




In the next product version, can the parameter options for the topic modelling be changed to allow the output of both word relevance summary and interactive chart? It's a bit strange to run the tool twice to get this output.  


Over the period of time, it is quite natural to forget why we have used certain filter in the filter tool or why we have used certain transformation etc....


I am looking for an option for every tool that I use in the canvas... .by right click and choose "maintain legacy" kind of option and it opens up a pop-up or appears from the far right side of the canvas, and date and time is already populated there and provides a place to maintain 'note' of each of the transformation why we have done that and when we have done that. So, it helps us to track what changes have been done to the tool or workflow over period of time. 


In our situation, we have been making several changes to the workflows and implementing new business rules as and when it becomes necessary. After a year or so, when we revisit the workflow, forgetting what kind of decisions made us make those changes to the rules or filters or joins etc...


Thank You,

Suresh Saguturu.


I often encounter situations where I would love to be able to use the tool container name as a constant within my workflow. This would be a huge time savor for me as I use containers often to segment my work and those segments often have a meaningful purpose within my workflow. Having the ability to use the name for decision making or as a file prefix/suffix would be a great enhancement 


I think this was brought up a few years back but why doesn't the Union config by name  option have a field map? It would stop that feeling you get when you browse your workflow after a union tool and find a column which is 5% blank and 95% full sitting next to one with a slightly different name which is 95% blank and 5% full.




Can we get this list updated?

I think it is one of the most interesting sources of knowledge on Alteryx community but unfortunately, it wasn't updated for the last year. 

It is possible that new sessions will be added here?


I would like to get a full legend overlay when hovering over the bubble (see example in power BI).





The new versions of Alteryx the red "change color" has gone to yellow which is almost impossible to see with a big and bright monitor.


PLEASE change it back to the normal red background color!





Right now when user share a screenshot of the workflow, we can't see the setting. I would like to be able to save workflow as code (JSON or YML), so people can read the config for each tool in the text file. 
It also easier to do version control as well as quick editing some workflow without open Alteryx Designer.


It also help new user to learn the tool easier. When they see the workflow and the text that describe the config, they can understand it without the need to open Designer -> they can read about questions and answers on the forum using phone and tablet.


Currently, there is a setting in the table tool to control the decimal places of all values by column. This is not only unnecessary, but it actually screws up any data that comes in where the ROWS may have different number of decimals. The only way around it is to convert everything into strings, which is annoying. Please just get rid of that column setting! Or enable the same setting inside the row rules. 


I would like to lasso or select multiple tools and have a count of selected tools. Perhaps this count could be in a tool tip or somewhere else.


I would like to propose an idea for the evolution of INPUT TOOLS and OUTPUT TOOLS in relation to their compatibility with DATA CONNECTIONS configured in Settings ALTERYX.


Indeed, it is now possible to create a Data Connection of SQL Bulk Loader (SSVB) type and to use this DATA CONNECTION in an Input Tool. The configuration is possible (Choose the table, the query ...), when you run the Workflows it works and you get the data well.

On the other hand, when we try to click again on the INPUT Tools, there is an error message and we cannot retrieve the contained request because the File Format is unknown.


After analysis with the support, there is a compatibility problem between SSVB and INPUT Tools in ALTERYX because there is no support for SSVB in INPUT in ALTERYX but it is supported in OUTPUT Tool.


My proposal would therefore be that there be a validation made during the configuration of the INPUT Tool and the Output Tool between the DATA Connection chosen and the type of tool used.


Thnaks for your return.





Often I want to output an Excel-file with a dynamic filename, e.g. part of the filename is from a date field in my data set.


E.g. before the output tool I could add a column with "Filename" and use that in the output-tool (including path).

The tool default could be to use the first record as reference, but if the Filepath differs in each record,

there should be an option to output as many files.


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