Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Enable No Error Emails For Null Data Streams / More Robust Exception Classification

Hello Alteryx Gurus - 


I've got some workflows that run daily, but there are times, depending on the breaks, wherein I don't get any data from one of my data sources.  Which is actually fine, nobody did Job X today.  But it makes Alteryx puke out and I get an error message emailed to me.  Ultimately, I've got to hop into the rather voluminous log entries to determine if this was a data stream not initialized / was empty error, or something else that I actually need to care about. 


That being said, in the coding realm, it is relatively simple to look for specific flavors of exceptions and then just eat them without notifying people.  So, why not add something to the runtime / events panel for emailing at error time to allow for ignoring data stream not initialized errors?  In this way, I could get notified when there is a real error I need to pay attention to, and not get notified when there is no new data, which isn't really that big a deal.  


Thank you for attending my TED talk on enhanced error reporting and exception classification capabilities.



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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes