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Add Mosaic name translation to ConsumerView Decoder Tool

I love the new (relatively) ConsumerView Decoder Tool! I used to do it the hard way, and it was fragile.


However, one thing is still missing: the Mosaic fields (MOSAIC HOUSEHOLD and MOSAIC ZIP4) - these are output from the tool as nulls. So, not only do you not get it decoded, you have to join back to the input to get the fields back as they were.


First, at least please pass them through as they were.


But preferably, decode them to the Mosaic Segment/Group names.


I realize (or couldn't find) the source for the Mosaic segment definitions is not currently in a Calgary database, but the tool is in the Calgary group.

6 - Meteoroid

I just submitted a case ticket to Alteryx for the issue.   There should be some values for the Mosaic fields (MOSAIC HOUSEHOLD and MOSAIC ZIP4), instead of all nulls.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes