Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am working on a macro that has multiple listboxes and xml tree controls in it and the listbox controls have a feature in the top right to select all or none, effectively allowing you to clear any entries you had made and start fresh.  In the tree control, there is no such feature but it would be nice to have instead of having to remember and go through and find all the entries you had made to start fresh.

To the point of the macro interface, when developing and testing using the interface designer, you are able to 'reset' the interface using a button at the top of the left pane.  It would be nice if that was available in the macro interface at run time. And that would solve the issue with the tree control in one step.




Dear Alteryx Team !


When running an app the actual Analytic App Progress window is not very informative and can not help to know where do we stand in the process.


In order to improve that issue, it would be very nice to give the hand to developers to let them choosing which message should be display in the progress window.


Minimal need :

  • At each macro step : A view of which macro is actually running with their corresponding iteration counter


Optimal need :

  • Allowing to completely design and name the messages to display at each macro steps and iterations (free text + iteration counter + time estimation ...)

Many thanks




I would like to raise the idea of creating a feature that resolves the repetitive authentication problem between Alteryx and Snowflake


This is the same issue that was raised in the community forum on 11/6/18:


Can a feature be added to store the authentication during the session and eliminate the popup browser?  The proposed solution eliminates the prompt for credentials; however, it does not eliminate the browser pops up. For the Input/Output function, this opens four new browser windows, one for each time Alteryx tests the connection. 

My Team Heavily rely on Dremio. 


It would be great for Alteryx team to add Dremio as a dedicated data source Input for Alteryx, it would be so much easier for us to configure and run things in the future. 





Being able to specify a name for the FileName field in the Input Tool configuration would be helpful for cases where a field named FileName is already present in the input data and has a different purpose than the newly added FileName field. Instead of having to use Field Info and other tools to rename the last field into something else (i.e. AYX_FileName), this would be an easier approach.

The C API for e1 is included in the Designer Desktop installation. The new AMP engine must have a C API as well, but it has not been released publicly.


Let tool and SDK makers create custom tools that plug into the AMP engine by releasing the specifications of the AMP C API.

After you've saved a file from the Browse tool, a popup window appears to confirm the file saved.  That popup window contains an image off text that you can't copy/paste.


I recommend turning that text into a hyperlink so users can just double-click on the popup window to open the file they just created.  Or add another button to "Open File" next to the "OK" button.  This would eliminate the need to go find the file you just created.  


Thanks for your consideration



The Explorer Box is great for embedding help documentation into workflows. That being said, there are several text-based file types that cannot be accepted into the Explorer Box such as .sql or .log. Since these are essentially text files, I'm suggesting that the Explorer Box should be less strict regarding file extensions and allow all text-based file types to be viewable.


The "idea" here is, for any tool utilized in a macro project, to allow any configuration setting for that tool, if desired, to be exposed to the outside world, so that when the macro is utilized in a parent workflow, the embedded tool's configuration setting is directly available to the parent workflow.



A benefit here would be the ability for users to more easily build custom tools based on the existing tools: e.g. send all inputs and outputs through a validation phase of arbitrary complexity, while leaving the "integration layer" of the encapsulated tool untouched.



Sometimes when creating a workflow, or a chained application I create fields or parameters in a formula tool and need to be able to quickly copy and paste the entire formula output column into another formula tool across a different part of the workflow / entirely different workflow.


This most often happens when standardizing fields across different data streams. We have the ability to save expressions, but if you save too many that can quickly get messy. We also have the ability to copy and paste a formula within a formula output why not extended the functionality slightly to copy/paste the entire formula output column?


In this proposed enhancement a user could right click on the 3 lines at the top left of the formula section and copy/cut a formula output column between formula tools:




Perhaps a little niche but it's something I come across quite a lot so thought I'd throw this out there as a quick QoL suggestion!


Currently when developing apps and such, we often just show results to end users via a Browse tool. However, when this output is a large table of data or a map for example, the initial results window doesn't scale out and we can often only see a tiny edge. To add to this, if we do want to resize the initial results window, we have to manually drag this as there is no maximise option like in other interfaces. Below is a quick example of what I mean.


App runs and produces this output:




The actual data/results within:




To get this second image, I have had to manually click and drag the outer edges of the Browse window, due to the lack of a maximise button. I'm aware that we can click to pop this out to a new window that does have a maximise option, but this feels like an unnecessary additional step.


So the idea here is fairly simple. Either a) increase the default size of the results window, and/or b) add a maximise button to Browse outputs.




Idea removed, regex will do the job. 

I have found a few examples in which the formatting options can be more finely tuned when editing the XML of a workflow but is not allowed by the user interface.


Border widths are just one example. The smallest border width is 1px, whereas if you edit the XML to "0.5" and save, you will get more narrow borders.

There is an irony in asking for what is essentially the Alteryx version of 'Formula Wizard' from Excel


As great as the guides have been in the community, the Batch Macro is one of most difficult to repeat and explain.


It would be great for users to have a prompt that recognises a Directory input of excel files and at the point of adding a Macro, having a series of prompts at each stage help build out the desired result (whether that be returning all sheets or specific sheets).


It would further highlight one the great features & key enablers of Alteryx 

Hi Team,


As a Low vision person, I am able to work on Dark Background and White foreground (Dark theme).

I won't find the feature, kindly upgrade for the same. I tried the suggestions in google as work with Palette option,

in my case that's not much help. and also kindly make Alteryx as much as accessible.


Thanks & Regards


When building workflows, it would be nice to have "Save Workflow" and "Run Workflow" added to the right click menu when in the canvas.




Add to Right Click menu:

Save Workflow

Run Workflow


 Looking forward to be able to select one of the available fields from a drop-down menu when populating a filter tool...






When I work I typically have 2 to 3 screens at my desk, or an oversized single screen. Being able to take the results window and float it on to my second monitor is great as it allows me to view more canvas and more data results in one setup. However the results window will not maximize or dock to my second window, would be great for it to have this Windows feature. 

I hope have a flexibility to adjust the print area workflow.

in the canvas.


it similar to excel print area, so we can adjust all the area easily.

for security. it may add function to check whether all tools is covered in print areas.


it is hard to cut the workflow to pieces when it is huge. 





Currently, the only visual the user has on which column they have selected in the Results window, is the 3 dots for column options (Data Cleanse/Filter/Sort). It would be incredible if Alteryx would add a border around the entire column that is selected (like you currently do when selecting a whole row) & maybe possibly even bold the header of the selected column.



I think you might be changing the background color from light grey to white, but it's so subtle it's hard to tell. Make it pop!



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