Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add a format option to the DateTimeFormat function to display ordinal dates

I would like a new format option within the Designer function DateTimeFormat such that where a date is held in the database

e.g. 2023-01-01




will return 1st not 1 or 01. 


Workarounds exist, but are fiddly given the different options....1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....

9 - Comet

Was looking for one but since it doesn't exist, here's my way of getting a date to format '1st January 1900', and by extension, the ordinal for any number:


trim(DateTimeFormat([modified_at],'%e')) //Day of Month
IIF(Right(ToString(DateTimeDay([modified_at])),2) in ('11','12','13'),'th',Switch(Right(ToString(DateTimeDay([modified_at])),1),'th','1','st','2','nd','3','rd')) //Ordinal: if last 2 digits are 11,12,13 then add th otherwise add st,nd,rd if last digit is 1,2,3 respectively
DateTimeFormat([modified_at], ' %B %Y') //Month + Year
9 - Comet

Yeah, I've no problem working out some database logic to do it (thanks for your code, by the way)...but if Alteryx could just provide a format option it would be so....easy!