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Alteryx to Snowflake ODBC Connection Authentication Issue

I would like to raise the idea of creating a feature that resolves the repetitive authentication problem between Alteryx and Snowflake


This is the same issue that was raised in the community forum on 11/6/18:


Can a feature be added to store the authentication during the session and eliminate the popup browser?  The proposed solution eliminates the prompt for credentials; however, it does not eliminate the browser pops up. For the Input/Output function, this opens four new browser windows, one for each time Alteryx tests the connection. 


Hi @npmuri, I believe we're able to store the access tokens for Snowflake OAuth/SSO, but only when using Data Connection Manager (DCM - more on it here or specifically for Snowflake OAuth here ). DCM is available since 2021.4, with Snowflake OAuth support I believe since 2022.1 or 2022.3. We're continuously working on expanding the supported connectors and authentication methods in DCM, so we'll be happy to hear your suggestions if something doesn't work for you.

5 - Atom

Any update on this Oauth connection? I am able to connect to Snowflake but the token keeps on expiring. Any suggestions on this issue.