Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Detour tool visual cue

It would be nice to have a visual cue for a detour tool's configuration. This is especially the case when testing with several detour tools in a workflow - see the cleanse.yxmc screenshot below. I added an annotation to one of the detour tools as a possible solution.


Any of these options that would save the additional click would be appreciated.

  • Default annotation shows "Detour left" or "Detour right"
  • Detour outgoing wire highlighted (mentioned in Detour dashing)
  • Detour direction outgoing anchor that is NOT used is grayed out
  • Detour direction outgoing wire that in NOT used is grayed out
  • Detour tool has a left/right toggle
  • Detour tool changes color when set to detour right

Personally, I prefer that the outgoing anchor and outgoing wire not in use be grayed out. But even the default annotation stating the direction would be helpful.


Does anyone else have a preference or other ideas on the visual cues?


Detour in cleanse tool.png