Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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While trying to debug data parsing, I end up with browse tools all over the place and it makes the pallet a mess and time consuming to organize.

It would be much nicer to just have a little corner of all icons to have a sub icon or something I can click on to see output.  Multi output could be a little more tricky ... so better yet, maybe have small browse icons on the connectors you can click on for results of that feed?

Then have a menu option to turn all off/on.

Hi Alteryx, 


I am not sure if there already is an easy solution to sharing workflows between people using different language settings in Alteryx, so here goes.


My colleague is using the German version of Alteryx and both I and our server is using the English version of Alteryx. When he shares a workflow with interface tools, all connection strings disappear. This is due to the references in the script behind Alteryx are different. So in the German version, the connection is supposed to connect to a tool called "Aktion", but for the English version it needs to connect to a tool called "Action". The same example with "Frage" and "Question". It is funnily enough only an issue if at least one of the connection tools is an Interface tool. If it is not Interface tools, then the original connection remains as if it auto-detects and changes the language.
The solution as is now is opening the Alteryx flow with a text editor and search for the German word, e.g. "Frage" and replace it with "Question". After saving and opening with Alteryx again, it works. However, we would like to avoid this little detour into the text editor. So, if it is possible for Alteryx to auto-detect and adjust the language for Interface tools as well or if it is possible to adjust the settings regarding language for a specific flow/macro, then this would be great. 


Please let me know if another solution is already available. 


Best regards, 


It would be handy to have a tool that mirrored another specified tool in the workflow.  I frequently use the same regex or filter configurations in multiple parts of my workflow.  If I could just update one of those tools and have every other one where I want the same logic applied to automatically update, that would make things easier. 


Users would just have to enter the tool ID of the tool they want mirrored.  

I collaborate with a team using Git. We commit all of our work automatically with the exception of the Alteryx Alias file. It must be moved manually into the repository and then other teammates must move it out of the repository manually into their local folder and overwrite the old file. This is not an enterprise-friendly solution. If we could configure the location of the Alias file in Designer, we could set it to live in the repository. That way, everyone could automatically have the latest file with tracked changes. Please create this functionality. Thank you.

I have the Show Properties Window selected, but it is not showing up on my screen. At first I thought it was just hidden and that I could just pull it back from being hidden, but I can't find it anywhere. 


The actual Mongo output tool does not allow to specify field type (except for the primary _id field).  The tool just assumes that all fields are string.  Many of our CSV files incorporate string representation of ObjectId (ex: "56df422c08420b523aa00a77"). 


When we import those CSV we have to run a an additional script that will convert all the id into ObjectId fields.  Same thing with the date -> Mongo Date.


If the tool would allow us to do this, it would save us a billion time across all our ETL processes.




Currently SharePoint List Input tool can only pull out Date/DateTime values in UTC

DateToLocal formula can be converted back to local time but it has the issue for Date Only values.

It will be great if Alteryx allow user to select to pull Date/DateTime values in UTC or Local Time.



When you create a data model in excel you can create measures (aka KPI). These is then something you can then use when you pivot the data and measure would dynamically be updated as you segment the data in your pivot table.


By example, let's say you have a field with the customer name and a field with the revenue, you could create a measure that will calculate the average revenue per customer (sum of revenue / disctintcount of customer)

Now if you have a 3rd field in your data that inidcates your region, the measure would allow to see the average revenue by customer and by region (but the measure formula would remain the same and wouldn't refer to the region field at all)


Excel integrates well with PowerBI and currently these measures flow into PowerBI.


While we have a "Publish to PowerBI" in Alteryx I haven't seen any way to create such measures and export them to PowerBI.


Hence I still need to load to Excel to create these measures before I can publish to PowerBI, it'd be great to avoid that intermediate tool.






Like the ability to create data tables for reporting purposes, makes life a lot easier.  I would like to suggest the ability to be able to define the height of each row in the table.  There is a lot of wasted space between the rows and becomes challenging when you are trying to work with getting everything on one page or keeping the table contained within a box on the report.

Not sure if this has been submitted... or if this option is already in a newer version.

There should be an option, after correcting an issue/error within a workflow for users to start again at the error point instead of running the entire workflow again.

This option will help users to streamline the process of building workflows and avoid wasted time spent waiting for large complex workflows to complete or error out.    

A suggestion for the designer product...


When one right clicks on tab showing a workflow, an option should come up to duplicate workflow/macro/etc.


Problem: When you configure fields manually in the union control and then go back to remove a field it throws up an error that "XYZ field missing"
Solution: One needs to change the config to "arrange fields by name" then refresh before you can arrange fields manually

I would like this problem to be handled by some method that tracks for changes and warns the user rather than throw an error.

I would love to have alteryx dump the excess amount of records on a new sheet in the same excel file that the user creates for dumping the output.

Correct me if I am wrong, when I use the trade area tool, the only non-spatial data appended to my input dataset is the RadiusSize field. Can this be expanded to include the Units selected (km, miles or minutes) and the dataset used for drive time, plus AreaSqMi, etc? Values like 10 in my RadiusSize field are useful but I would like to have all Trade Area details.

Actually, could you incorporate trade area tool into the spatial match tool since these tools are usually used one after the other?


The tabs for the Workflow-Configuration sheet has the Canvas tab as the first one and defaults back to the Canvas tab after running.  I want to be able to have the Workflow tab be the first tab and return to the Workflow tab after running.  This can either be the default, or user-selectable ordering of the tabs.


I have found a post where the grid size in the Grid Tool can be update using an interface tool -- which is really wonderful.

What I would love to see is the grid size text entry box being able to accept a field name/variable, so that this can be modified without needing the interface.


This would be useful because I have users uploading shapes to be analyzed -- they don't necessarily know the size of the shape so I would rather the grid size be automatically calculated based on the square mileage of the shape.


I have a strong feeling Alteryx doesn't handle ascii control character End of medium (EM) when writing to an excel sheet. Created an unreadable excel file. However if you write the same data to csv and then open it in excel everything is fine. My idea is to have the bug fixed or to be informed what I did wrong.

Our development team prefers that we connect to their MongoDB server using a private key through a .pem file, instead of a username/password. Could this option be built into the MongoDB Input?

Create the ability to randomly sample X number of records. For example, randomly select 16 samples from a data set.

I would like to use the precreate statement as part of a app. That means if a user selects ID '12345' from an interface tool, I would like to delete recs in SQL server with that same ID through the pre create statement, then afterwards I would append new records with the same ID.
What I really miss is having the ability to send one Name & Value to an interface tool like label or readonly textbox.Then I could use Label/Textbox->Action->Output and change the precreate statement that way. 
I tried the formula way but SQL think I am running a stored procedure.
It looks like I need to use a listbox or dropdown tool and do it that way but that means I am cluttering my app with unnecessary tools. 
Could you give interface tools a 'hide' property or allow a field to be passed to the pre-Create SQL statement?
Unless there's another way to do all this? 

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