Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would helpful if you have a tool which will help us to filter out the data using CASS results column in a meaningful way. On the other day, I CASS'ed 2MM customers and ended up with 1500 combination of CASS result codes. I don't think we would have time to sit walk through all the 1500 combination to find out which I should call it as correct addresses and not the right ones. If you have one already that I didn't know of, please guide me.


I'm a long time user of Photoshop and it would be great to get some similar zooming and panning functionality into Alteryx.  Such as:

- hold down the "space bar" see a hand and pan across the canvas.
- hold down "CTRL" or "ALT and zoom on the canvas
- use the mouse scroll to zoom on the canvas

When you have a complex workflow and you need to identify what happens to a specific field throughout a LONG workflow, it would be great to have the paths, connections, etc highlighted.  


If the field is modified in a tool (formula for instance), the tool gets highlighted in orange.  If it just passes through a tool, it is highlighted in green and a tool where it gets dropped is colored red.


This will help in identifying which tools modify a field of interest as well as identify tools which "deselect" a field and cause it drop out.   I spend a lot of time tweaking workflows developed by other analysts, so this will greatly speed up troubleshooting and assessment time. 





This can be a simple add on to the sample tool or possibly a separate tool. This would give you the ability to select which row the Header row(and use field values for header) and/or data starts. This is particularly useful if someone has extra rows with report titles and information, etc. This tool could also select rows to skip, ie blank rows in matrices or rows that do not contain data. 

Here are a few things that I feel would be useful enhancements for the stacked column chart:

1. In series styles, replace current "Label Data Points" Yes/No dropdown options with "No/Top/Bottom/Left Side/Right Side/Alternating Sides" options to allow label text to fall above the line marking the top of the set (current implementation), below the top line, to the left or right or alternating between left and right.  Side labels reduce the need for #3 below and alternating side labels partially mitigate the need for #2.

2. If "Label Data Points" is turned on, allow an option to set a minimum threshold to display the labels.  In the current implementation the data point labels are placed on top of each other in cases where series with comparatively high volume are mixed with series with very low volume unless there is only one low volume series and it happens to be the last series in the set.  With alternating side labels from #1 above this would only be an issue if more than one consecutive low volume series was displayed.

3. Lighten default series colors or change default text color to white.  Black label text does not stand out or is unreadable against most of the default colors (dark blue, dark brown, etc.).

Currently Atleryx just takes a flat file and create a Tableau Extract (.tde) file.  I would like to be able to to take two files and cube them together like Tableau allows me to use when I create my own Tableau Extract using Tableau.  Right now I have to export two different files into excel files and then use Tableau to cube them and create an extract that gives me more power and functionality than the extract that Alteryx provides.

This is a low priority one, but I constantly find myself wanting to do this and it seems to be both an easy fix and something which should exist anyway.

I have ten input tools, I want to be able to highlight all, right click and select "add all browses" or something similar. 

That's it. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing deeply insightful, just something that would brighten up my day and maybe save a bit of time.



Greenplum is a new in-db capability; which our company has started using frequently. GP is a distributed database, across many nodes, much like how Redshift and other new database technology works.


In order to properly use these databases the Alteryx tools MUST have a way to distribute our tables across the nodes how we desire. Currently the tools for In-DB will distribute by the database default (almost always taking the first column in the table to distribute) which has terrible affects on performance. The work around has been to run SQL outside of the Alteryx tools to run ALTER TABLE DISTRIBUTE BY statements for all tables; also this cannot work on TEMP tables as those tables are created and deleted at the end of the workflow.


The idea I want is an additional option for Distributed DB's to choose the distribution column OR choose the "RANDOMLY" option for distribution of tables [DISTRIBUTED BY statement]. This would make my DBAs very happy and make it possible for me to run even more challenging requests to my system.


As far as I know, in the current version (Jan 2018) of Designer the presentation settings for the canvas are global and are set by the user in the Canvas settings tab of the User settings.  There appears to be no way to adjust canvas settings at the individual workflow level that would over-ride the global defaults.  (Please tell me if I am wrong).


I propose that the user defined global defaults be retained but that the workflow configuration window include a new tab where local settings can be set.  This tab should include a button that enables a user to reset all local settings to the global defaults. 




Sometimes the field names for an imported file are very unhelpful.  Consider the image below as an example.  Even though the AUTO FIELD tool has been applied to this imported CSV file it is still necessary to inpect the source data before assigning field names and descriptions. 


MY SUGGESTION:  insert a data preview column in the Configuration view between SIZE and RENAME.  This data preview column would show the first row of data but a scroll function would allow the user to advance to the next or previous record within this view.  This feature would enhance the productivity of analysts in the data preparation phase of their work.













I am working on a macro that has multiple listboxes and xml tree controls in it and the listbox controls have a feature in the top right to select all or none, effectively allowing you to clear any entries you had made and start fresh.  In the tree control, there is no such feature but it would be nice to have instead of having to remember and go through and find all the entries you had made to start fresh.

To the point of the macro interface, when developing and testing using the interface designer, you are able to 'reset' the interface using a button at the top of the left pane.  It would be nice if that was available in the macro interface at run time. And that would solve the issue with the tree control in one step.




Dear Alteryx Team !


When running an app the actual Analytic App Progress window is not very informative and can not help to know where do we stand in the process.


In order to improve that issue, it would be very nice to give the hand to developers to let them choosing which message should be display in the progress window.


Minimal need :

  • At each macro step : A view of which macro is actually running with their corresponding iteration counter


Optimal need :

  • Allowing to completely design and name the messages to display at each macro steps and iterations (free text + iteration counter + time estimation ...)

Many thanks




While Alteryx is processing it displays information in the module with record/file infromatoin.  Once processing is complete this information is gone, except for in the output window.  Could you add a key combination or button toggle to redisplay this info from the prior run.  It would be very helpful for debugging.

After you've saved a file from the Browse tool, a popup window appears to confirm the file saved.  That popup window contains an image off text that you can't copy/paste.


I recommend turning that text into a hyperlink so users can just double-click on the popup window to open the file they just created.  Or add another button to "Open File" next to the "OK" button.  This would eliminate the need to go find the file you just created.  


Thanks for your consideration



The Explorer Box is great for embedding help documentation into workflows. That being said, there are several text-based file types that cannot be accepted into the Explorer Box such as .sql or .log. Since these are essentially text files, I'm suggesting that the Explorer Box should be less strict regarding file extensions and allow all text-based file types to be viewable.


 Looking forward to be able to select one of the available fields from a drop-down menu when populating a filter tool...






I would like to suggest a Canvas Mode: Can you make a feature where it is possible to maximise/full screen the canvas only (so that it pops up in a separate window)? I work on two screens so it would be handy to have the tools and ribbons with the results preview on one screen and a pure canvas designer on the other. 


Kind regards,



Hi Team,


Is there a possibility of a Alteryx Public Designer similar to Tableau Public software?





I love the basic data profiling that is now available in the Browse tool. I used to rely more on the browse everywhere feature and only used the current Browse tool at the end of my workflows. Now with the data profiling capability, I am using a lot of Browse tools for in-line analytics while I am developing workflows, but they cause an overwhelming amount of clutter! To  help ease this clutter, I use containers to hide/disable them, and I usually delete most of them when I am done developing each part of a workflow.


I'd live to have a mini browse tool with a small icon that includes the basic data profiling functionality present in the current Browse tool. I would also like to have the option to disable all 'mini Browse' tools without disabling all of the Browse tools. 

I would like to suggest adding in additional options to the Output tool for running VBA code after inserts finish.

Similar to how the "7 Post Create SQL Statement" works for "ODBC" or "Oracle" Connections, having this option for excel would be game changing.


Our current processes rely on us calling a .vbs script, or manually formatting our output.

My job of automation would be significantly easier if this was an option.

Getting deliverable ready in an easy to digest format is key.


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