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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Create Toggle to Show Record Counts/File Size From Prior Run

While Alteryx is processing it displays information in the module with record/file infromatoin.  Once processing is complete this information is gone, except for in the output window.  Could you add a key combination or button toggle to redisplay this info from the prior run.  It would be very helpful for debugging.

12 - Quasar
Richard - if I understand what you are asking for correctly I think this already exists. Look under Connection Progress on the module setting, this toggles the record information and it can be set to "Always on".

10 - Fireball
That's it, I never saw that.  Still would be nice if I could toggle it with the space bar or some other key.  Thanks!
6 - Meteoroid
Is there a way to show output when running Alteryx app from server?