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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Currently Alteryx supports floating windows for some of the windows. But I would like to open multiple workflow at the same time. It is good for multiple display since I can view 2 workflows at once, 1 for main development and 1 just for testing a small part before putting in the main workflow.


I am facing an issue regarding the result window. The tabbed document function is disable for the result window. I did not see the entire result window. Kindly find the below mentioned screenshot for your reference.


Request to reverse the feature.

i investigate a super messy and huge workflow, i have a hard time to trace back the data stream.


it only have around 5 wireless connection, some is easy to find, but some are connect to union..


if have a button to turn all connection back to wire, and better if have option for just solid for temp to show as solid line. it will helps alot.

The Interactive Chart configure window cannot be resized.  I'm using a single, large monitor, and this window occupies the entire monitor so that I am forced to switch between windows to see other applications.  Most of the space used by the configure window is wasted white space.  Please update this to allow this window to be resized.


I'm using a 32:9 monitor running at 5120x1440, and the attached screenshot shows the size of the configure window on this monitor - 4986x1286.

When we rename a field in canvas it breaks a lot of formulas or config on tools like select tool or unique tool or summarize tool. If designer can automatically update these new field names in all the further tools if will save us a lot of time.





I had found this quirk whilst working on a fairly large workflow, where i had multiple tools cached to keep things quick. I had moved one of the tools on the canvas to a pre-existing container, and it removed the caching on my whole workflow.

Steps to reproduce:

1) setup a super basic workflow (or any workflow):


2) Cache part of the workflow:



3) drag one of the tools (in this case the formula) into the container:


As you can see, the workflow is no longer cached and i have to re-cache it.


This would be a welcome change as that is an unexpected behaviour to me, and so I would imagine others too. A workflow no longer being cached can cost the developer a lot of time (and potential resource, if hitting a Snowflake instance, for example). 





All the other file types have different coloured icons and it works well to differentiate them in a directory. Its impossible to differentiate workflows and database icons currently. 

Using a wide-screen monitor and canvas, I typically initiate a workflow by clicking the RUN button.  But, in my canvas, I am usually working in the left or middle portion of the screen.  The Run button is to the far right and find myself moving to the right to click the button and then back to my workflow location. 


I'd like to be able to have this relocated or optionally functionality to move this button (maybe even creating a customized personnel quick access toolbar or button panel) to the left portion of the canvas window.  Sure, there is a key board shortcut, but if the button is provided, than it implies that it is a valid UI feature.  I've also seen and liked the ability to have this as a right-click menu enhancement. 

I know we have the capability to copy a Tool, and paste it into a Connection. This step requires having to right click on the connection to select the option Paste In Connection. I don't know how many times I've tried to copy tool, click on connection, and do Ctrl + V to paste just remember that it does work that way. It sure would be nice if it did.

Please introduce functionality whereby users can pull up a listing of all input data connections leveraging database queries. This would be exceedingly useful in instances where users can either individually or bulk edit various connection configurations, such as:

  1. change connection query
  2. change data connection source 
    • for example, if a connection configuration has changed via a new setup


This would be far more useful than scanning through the canvas looking for all of the input tools. Especially if the workflow is highly complex leveraging multiple inputs to various data sources. You could also incorporate a link for users to click on to take them to the point in the canvas where the input tool is located.

I annotate every single tool, every single time. I treat a workflow like documentation. It would be helpful to use markdown in the annotations.

It will be helpful if we can set the Importance (Normal/High/Low) of an Email sent by ALteryx. 


A new option can be added in the existing Emailer event (see attached)


Best Regards!!!

Often (like, a surprising amount of the time), we will be on a working session with a customer and I'll notice they will break a data stream connection in order to prevent downstream tools from running.  Of course, I always coach them to add a tool container to the downstream tools, then disable it but they continue to choose not to.  


I'd love to see a feature where we can right-click on a data stream, then select "disable downstream tools", which then auto adds (and disables) a tool container. 


Gif of current behavior I too often see below, thank you!



It would be awesome if we could edit annotations while the workflow is running.


I love annotating all my tools, and I'm often sitting there looking at my canvas right after hitting run and thinking, "I should annotate that!" and then moving on and forgetting after it's run.  I'm not sure if that's feasible or not, but I think it would be neat.  

Olá, não sei se classifiquei a ideia na caixa correta, mas eu gostaria de ver uma ferramenta, provavelmente na aba "Transformar", e que traria o subtotal e total de um conjunto de linhas, sem ter que construir um fluxo somente para isso. Acredito que com uma ferramenta, apenas, o problema possa ser resolvido, como no exemplo anexo, o que é bem fácil de fazer no Excel, por exemplo.

It would be easy if there is an alteryx tool or in the input tool a configuration  to put an excel password and it opens the file to use it on a workflow.


I am not sure if it is only me, but quite often, I am getting distracted. I believe I am not the only person bombarded by the amount of notification/ping on chat etc. That is the reason why quite often, I forgot what I am doing.

Let's imagine a scenario like this. I want to use the date-time parse function. First, I look at the data. I want to figure out what the format is, and I want to start writing a formula.




I know what format it is, and I am writing a formula in a formula tool. I remember the date was the first position but what was next? I got distracted. I don't know the original formula was structured.




Wouldn't it be cool to see the results from the previous tool still when working on the new one?




My workaround is to copy-paste pics into one note when I am working on something but I am not a big fan of a workaround like this 😀







I know that @MarqueeCrew had an idea for Auto-UNC which was "Not Planned" last year,, but what about a simple flag/pop-up to let users know when they hit "save" or "save as" that there are relative paths being used in the workflow (Perhaps even indicate any/all tools that they appear) and closes out the upload without closing out the workflow.


I don't see a solution out there for this, but if it exists and I am just a bonehead, please feel free to delete this thread.  🙂




I've recently developed a complex Standard Macro which gets called from a workflow. It has multiple input tools and output tools where the output tools create an excel file on a drive location.


Every time I try making changes to my macro, I want to test certain aspects of the macro and would not want any output file generated. The way I am doing that now is by placing each output tool in a separate container and manually disabling each container. This involves unnecessary extra containers, is quite time consuming and I risk missing disabling an output causing an unwanted file creation.


It would be nice if I could have an option to disable all Output tools in one go - perhaps an extra setting can be offered in the Canvas to do this. A "debug" mode could also be explored where, much like VBA and possibly other coding languages, Alteryx runs a workflow / macro from Point A to Point B only, or runs the entire workflow and skips the output portion unless specified.

The option to "Disable all Tools that Write Output" doesn't currently affect the Publish to Tableau Server output tool.

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