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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Creation of a gradient based background which correspond to where records drop throughout the workflow to identify issues or potential anomalies based on the initial dataflow. It could also certain tools flash when the record counts are 0 for example filter tools, joins, unions etc. 


Sometimes there are hundreds or even thousands of tools in very complex workflows so it would be helpful to track the data lineage. 


It would also be nice to have a tool that summarizes the number of records per each input and how many make their way in to the final tool/output or browse. 


Input #Start of workflowDropped in WorkflowTotal in final dataflow
Database 11000080002000
Excel file 11000010009000
Download Tool 11000050005000




The gradient can be adjusted based on the threshold and it could be added to connections in this case the red indicates there's been 0 records and the filter tool could flash or glow





Hello there


I'd like to suggest if we can add some metrics near the results area that would show the user the the Count of Unique, total count, SUM and etc of the selected records in the results area, to avoid copying selected records and pasting to excel to get these metrics


It's a small enhancement but could improve the user experience when investigating the data and trying to do some validation immediately rather than pasting to excel or adding other tools to get the answer.



The idea is quite simple. I am sure a lot of Alteryx enthusiasts use containers frequently. These can also be color coded for better overview and readability of your workflows. However, while connections between tools can be named, they cannot be colored. 


Therefore, this idea is very simple. Adding an option to color these connections. This would allow for even more readability of workflows. Especially if a workflow contains multiple separate streams of data, this could help to navigate and keep track of how and where data is flowing.








Under User Settings, if you could add options to change what Alteryx shows in the tool configuration window. Currently, it shows Field, Type, Size, Rename, Description. I've been using Alteryx for almost 20 years, I've never used the Description field for anything. If Alteryx provided the option to remove it from the view for users who never use it, then the Rename field would no longer get truncated, which is a field I think is more widely utilized.



Providing user the ability to paste a tool with one of the three options regarding connections:


- Paste with Incoming Connections,

- Paste with Outgoing Connections (where applicable),

- Paste with Both Connections (where applicable)


could make it easier to configure the workflows where many incoming and/or outgoing connections are necessary for a specific source or target tool (i.e. a certain mapping table joined to several data streams in the same workflow after being modified with a formula tool to match with a specific stream).

Currently when you share a workflow that contains a Directory tool, it will instantly fail if you do not setup the directory tool to point at a similar folder structure. This is expected, but can make it painful to share workflows between multiple users, especially when a shared network drive and dynamic paths cannot be used. 


What I propose as an addition to Alteryx Designer would be the option to 'convert to yxdb' / 'cache and replace' any tools that are at the start of a workflow, similar to the cache and run workflow option:


What i expect this to do is to containerise the tools previously used, and create a new file within a temporary location, and replace the containerised tool connection with a new data input to that file:




Why this would be fantastic, is that it would allow me to now export the workflow, including the file that has been created:


and I could then share that with a colleague.


Kind Regards,



Apologies if this has been suggested already - did a search and didn't see anything similar.


This is a quality of life/UX idea. The search functionality in the results pane essentially does a 'contains' search on all of the columns (see below screenshots for the filter inserted by the 'apply data manipulations button). As I build workflows and profile the data, it'd be helpful if I could click one or more columns and limit the search bar to just those fields.


Right now, depending on the dataset I could get rows returned by the search due to the search term appearing in columns that aren't relevant. To workaround this I could add select tools to limit the columns or do more robust filters in a filter tool, but having it built in would be very helpful.







Hi Team,


As a Low vision person, I am able to work on Dark Background and White foreground (Dark theme).

I won't find the feature, kindly upgrade for the same. I tried the suggestions in google as work with Palette option,

in my case that's not much help. and also kindly make Alteryx as much as accessible.


Thanks & Regards


When I work I typically have 2 to 3 screens at my desk, or an oversized single screen. Being able to take the results window and float it on to my second monitor is great as it allows me to view more canvas and more data results in one setup. However the results window will not maximize or dock to my second window, would be great for it to have this Windows feature. 

Currently if I have a connection between two tools as per the example below:


I can drag and drop a new tool on the connection between these tools to add it in:



And designer updates the connections nicely, however if I select multiple tools and try and collectively drop them inbetween, on a connection then it won't allow me to do this, and will move the connection out of the way so it doesn't cause an overlap.


Therefore as a QoL improvement it would be great if there was a multi-drop option on connections between tools.



Alteryx can enhance the interactive dashboard capabilities by adding more visualization options, such as heat maps, treemaps, and network diagrams. This will allow users to create more informative and engaging dashboards, and enable them to better communicate insights to stakeholders. For example, Alteryx can add support for heat maps and treemaps, allowing users to visualize data density and distribution, or network diagrams, allowing users to visualize relationships between data points.

Alteryx should take a look at the BI platform so they can integrate the Dashboard Capability and remove the dependency of Visualization tool and become one stop solution


Alteryx can add more advanced machine learning capabilities, such as deep learning and neural networks, to its existing set of predictive modeling tools. This will allow users to perform more complex and accurate analyses, and enable them to tackle more sophisticated machine learning problems. For example, Alteryx can add support for deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras, which will allow users to use pre-trained models or create their own models for image and natural language processing.


Alteryx can improve the data connectivity options by adding more built-in connectors to various data sources such as big data platforms, cloud-based services, and IoT devices. This will enable users to easily access and import data from a wider range of sources, without the need for complex coding or manual data preparation. For example, Alteryx can add connectors to popular big data platforms like Hadoop and Spark, or cloud-based services like AWS and Azure, which will allow users to easily import data from these platforms into Alteryx for analysis.

I think the undo/redo capabilities in Alteryx could be greatly improved. Here is an idea that I think would be beneficial... 


I'd like to see which exact tools are affected by my undo/redo actions. An idea was suggested a couple years ago to move your location on the canvas, but that was not added to the roadmap. Instead, is it possible to add the tool ID to the undo menu so that it is obvious which tool each line is detailing?


This is the current debug menu that shows your previous actions:



When a tool is created, the ID can be displayed in this menu, but this is not shown when a change is made to an existing tool. My suggestion is that the menu would say:

4. Change Sort (3) Properties


This same change should be made in the Edit dropdown menu.




It looks like as of 2022.3, workflow tabs get shortened to a specific width. This is fine however now the asterisk that lets me know if my workflow has changed doesn't display in the tab anymore. I would have to look at the top of the screen to see this. I know this isn't a huge deal, but it would be nice to still be able to see the asterisk in the tab so that I can still know which workflows have been saved even if I am currently looking at a different open workflow. One solution may be to move the asterisk to the front of the workflow name.


Also, would users want a setting to allow them to keep full workflow names versus shortening them?






I'd love to have a shortcut (like Ctrl+I) that opens the Insert Macro feature, saving the time of right-clicking, and scrolling down on the menu (Note: Once you spent a "little time" using Designer, this menu can be a very long one, and the mouse wheel doesn't work on it).


let’s suppose I am working a bank accounts and I do want to make sure I end up with minimum required information hence I would pull the template provided and work backward from there to manipulate the data. The template would include as well a predefined tableau output for example! 


For very complex canvases and api data pulls that take a long time, it would be great that as we're working through the canvas to put flags or some setting that would allow us to keep data already pulled into a tool. This way I can set a certain tool to keep all of its data and then all tools i work on from that point forward will pull from that tool rather than from the beginning of the canvas.


for ex.


input tool --> api tool --> formatting tools --> new tools being worked on


if i can set the end of the formatting tools to keep all data then when i run the canvas only the new tools being worked on would get refreshed


i hope that's clear... currently it's very frustrating that any small change i make, i have to rerun the whole canvas and that takes a while


In Alteryx Designer I like to use Containers with very specific color, transparency and border settings something I've asked can be built into defaults somehow in another Product suggestion which I cannot find. What's very useful to me is defining processes into the Tool categories, i.e. ingestion = In/Out = Green, Preparation tools = Prep Category = Blue, this standardised across all workflows is good practice when managing an estate of workflows. 


In Tableau when editing 'Colors' there is a box you can enter the #0065a8 code for a color you wish to use, perhaps from Brand guidelines or in my case the same # as the Tool Category Colors themselves. I have to go into Tableau, pick screen color, create a custom colour then regenerate on Alteryx side. 


Can we add "pick a screen color' and / or 'HTML: #0065a8' like you can do in Tableau?


Product Suggestions - (8) include HTML within Colour Palette2.PNG



It would be great if I could see my save history in the debug menu. Currently it looks like this:



I'm not asking to be able to undo saves, I just want to be able to see where the workflow was saved within this menu so that I can easily see what actions have been taken since my last save. 

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