Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The Append Fields tool will issue a Warning if/when the Source data stream has no records that reads something like this:

Append Fields (823) There are no records present in the source.


I can imagine many situations when this issue should be flagged as a Warning. However, I have use cases when both the Source and Target data streams are expected to be empty. Because it is a common, expected scenario, I do not want it flagged as a Warning for the user. 


My Idea: provide another option to suppress warnings for this situation.


Perhaps it could be a standalone checkbox, for example:

                 [x] Suppress Warning when both source and target streams are empty


Alternatively, the tool currently has 3 options to manage warnings or errors related to "too many" records. Perhaps this could be added as a 4th option to the dropdown list, although that would necessitate changing the label slightly.


Hi All,

I always use a colour standard within my workflows.


I suggest two small features:
(a) RGB Colour Picker from the screen
(b) Copy and Paste function -> so I can paste the whole path (R=203, G=222, B=245) in the specific field.


  • Feature Request

Hello - the added feature to show the designer tool detail of the four highly used tools (Join, Formula, Filter, and Summarize tool) is an incredible addition to Connect functionality. Can this functionality expand to the In-DB version of the same tools? We leverage In-DB when possible to utilize the processing power of the database. Adding this as well to Connect would be a huge benefit to see the complete picture of a workflow.





In Alteryx Designer application, in User Settings, please add an option for us to check/uncheck whether we would like to show/hide the Splash Screen upon app launch.



  • Feature Request

So lets say I have five incoming connection.  SQL, Redshift, Excel...whatever.  I know I can right click, or control-right click on each incoming connection and select cache and run workflow.  I'd imagine there would be a run and cache all incoming connections but there isn't.  I realize I can arrange all incoming connections so they arrange easily so I can box them all, but on complex workflows, this might get complicated.

Most of the finance industry is using HFM or Essbase finance solutions which is flexible in keeping the data and generating reports. Alteryx should create a direct connection with Hyperion or Essbase so that it's easier to connect with the data in those systems and it can directly feed other system reports.

  • Feature Request

Hello Team,


I have been using Alteryx for sometime now. The final output of any kind be it analytics or simple Excel outputs is expected to have some basic formatting.


A minimum of 3 Tools and humongous effort is need to format even basic headers and Cells with a border and color.


Using Table followed by Render and then column level setting for having borders for the set of data is little time consuming considering it has 0 impact on the actual data output.


Additionally Render tool to Excel will be in number format regardless of the data type. Same is the case for date fields.


Also the Render tool Layout changes impact the data as well as the column lengths adversely.


Can we have some simple option of overwriting a file where the formatted excel is merely overwritten with data without changing the datatype or format out the excel sheet.


It would be huge win if this is easily do-able wither via a new tool or as an option in the output tool.



  • Feature Request

Maybe I am a newbie, but it is really galling that the drop down tool in the interface palette wont show the values in a connected tool unless they are spun up as headers in a cross tab using a record ID ruse. Alteryx really needs to provide this very common use case. This functionality is so easy to implement and is a fundamental part of any UI. Take a field and show its values as a drop down. Please tell me I am missing something and that this is really easy. I know we can save it as a name value pair in a yxdb and then input that, but I should not have to do so many things for what is an essential function.

  • Feature Request

Hello All,


During my trial of assisted modelling, I've enjoyed how well guided the process is, however, I've come across one area for improvement that would help those (including myself) overcome any hurdles when getting started.


When I ran my first model, I was presented with an error stating that certain fields had classes in the validation dataset that were not present in the Training dataset.


Upon investigation (and the Alteryx Community!) I discovered that this was due to a step in the One Hot Encoding tool.


Basically, the Default setting is for all fields to be set to error under the step for dealing with values not present in the training dataset, but there is an option to ignore these scenarios.


My suggestion:

Add an additional step to Assisted Modelling that gives the user the option to Ignore / Error as they see fit.

If this were to be implemented then it would remove the only barrier I could find in Assisted Modelling.


Hope this is useful and happy to provide further context / details if needed.

Every workflow I write, I want it to avoid having references to my C: drive.  Every time I enter a tool, I have to remember to reset the Workflow Dependencies to All Relative. 


If the setting for Workflow Dependencies could be a persistent environment variable, I could flip the flag, and every tool added after that would use relative references.

  • Feature Request

Hello Dev Gurus - 


The message tool is nice, but anything you want to learn about what is happening is problematic because the messages you are writing to try to understand your workflow are lost in a sea of other messages.  This is especially problematic when you are trying to understand what is happening within a macro and you enable 'show all macro messages' in the runtime options.  


That being said, what would really help is for messages created with the message tool to have a tag as a user created message.  Then, at message evaluation time, you get all errors / all conversion warnings / all warnings / all user defined messages.  In this way, when you write an iterative macro and are giving yourself the state of the data on a run by run basis, you can just goto a panel that shows you just your messages, and not the entire syslog which is like drinking out of a fire hose. 


Thank you for attending my ted talk regarding Message Tool Improvements.



The recently added feature to sort and filter entries inside the Results Window of the Browse tool is great. However, once I open a new window with the result, the functionality dissapears and I am stuck with a static table where I can only scroll through.


Would it be possible to add the filter and sort funtionality to a new window as well?

  • Feature Request


I want to check out which things downstream are receiving data from the true and false branches of this filter.

I could step through them one by one.

It would be much easier if I could simply select the tool and see directly which tools are connected to which output by colour, or line style.


I find myself constantly in a situation where I am building a workflow and need to add a browse tool or branch out from the main path to test some ideas or check something and it is very annoying having to run the whole process again, I know that there is the option to cache but it the criteria is very impractical because you can't cache at different points in the workflow easily.


It should be possible to add some tools like browse or output to a file without having to re-run the whole workflow again.

  • Feature Request

We have a lot of workflows with a lot going on in them, as I'm sure a lot of you do.

Sometimes, the way that Alteryx draws the connections between tools is loopy, literally.

It would be very helpful if we could explicitly control how the connectors were routed, as this would allow us to prevent them from cutting across other complex areas of the workflow.

Also if we could bundle the connectors (think tying together a bunch of cables with a cable tie) so that things that were heading to the same part of the canvas could route there as a bundle.

Exactly as the subject says: It would be incredibly useful to be able to change the colour, and possibly the line thickness of the connectors between tools.

We have workflows with huge amounts of stuff going on, as I'm sure many people do.

Being able to colour code the connections between tools would help us to trace things from place to place when stepping through the workflow.


Similar to "Start here" dataflow, it would be useful to specify a path within the User settings to open a dataflow "template" file when the users do not have permission to add or replace "start here" dataflow.


Within our organisation, we are required to have the dataflow summary. We have prepared a dataflow to meet these requirements but currently unable to share it like "start here" template so that every Alteryx session opens the agreed datalow "template" file.

Before Designer 2019.4 there was a "bug" in the workflow statistics collection that under the "SampleModule" data from the UsageGallery collection the name of the workflow run from within Designer was available.  We used that information to determine the common workflows run in our community as well as generating a measure of community growth.  The "bug" was removed in 2019.4 and now we can only determine the number of runs, but not the number of distinct workflows that were run.  This idea to do return the workflow name run to the information stored in the Mongo database.




  • Feature Request

Can we have an option to save a workflow in a prior version for backward compatibility? I think Tableau offers this functionality.


If I have 2019.4.8 and a colleague has 2019.1.x, I cannot share my workflows because my colleague will receive a notice that the workflow was built in a newer version. I want to be able to save my workflow in 2019.1.x and send to my colleague.


This is predicated on the workflow not containing any tools/features not present in the older version. In that case, give me a warning about the specific tools/features that are not backward compatible. Thank you.

I love using the YXI installer for distributing custom macros; I have even used to install an entire palette of macros.  However, when installing to a new, user-defined palette, I still need to instruct users to copy custom_palette.png into C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\icons\categories.


It would be nifty keen if we could add custom_palette,png into the config.xml file and have the YXI installer place the file into the \icons\categories directory.


I imagine that some checks would need to be added, to ensure we weren't overwriting icons for the built in palettes.


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