Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be great if we could add example workflows to our macros, accessible in the same way as from the original tools (example hyperlink shown after single-clicking on a tool in the tool palette or when searching in the search bar).


There is a post on how to do it for custom tools How to add an example link in the custom tool ( The way described there has limitations and does not seem to work on macros: I was able to get the link to show up, but nothing happens when I click.


My suggestion, make it easy to add an example workflow to a macro, like it is to change the logo or add a help link.

example workflow.png

We will not be enabling DCM for the time being (see  


But, when you do not enable DCM, you get an annoying pop up every time you open Designer that says "DCM toggle is not enabled". 


Please give us the ability to turn this pop up off.

  • Enhancement

Changing the Macro Input tool in an existing macro is dangerous and can result in unmapped fields or lost connections in workflows using the macro. For example, we have a widely used macro for which we'd like to change the name of an input field, change it's default type from Date to DateTime, make it optional while keeping other fields mandatory. Currently, we cannot find a solution which would not require us to fix each workflow using the macro after changing it. We should be able to change the field names, field types (e.g. String to V_WString, Date to DateTime), select optional fields and do other modifications to Macro Input without having to update each workflow using the macro. The new Macro Input UI could be enhanced with a window similar to that of Select tool's. Technically, the Macro Input fields could have a unique ID by which they would be recognised in workflows, so the field names would just be aliases that could be changed without losing the mapping. In summary, we are restricted to our initial setup of Macro Input and it is very complicated to change it afterwards, especially if the macro is used widely.

Hello all,


A few weeks ago Alteryx announced inDB support for GBQ. This is an awesome idea, however to make it run, you should use Oauth2 Authentication means GBQ API should be enabled. As of now, it is possible to use Simba ODBC to connect GBQ. My idea is to enhance the connection/authentication method as we have today with Simba ODBC for Google BigQuery and support inDB. It is not easy to implement by IT considering big organizations, number of GBQ projects and to enable API for each application. By enhancing the functionality with ODBC, this will be an awesome solution.


Thank you for voting


When I import an Excel file in to Alteryx I get an error: “shared strings root=x:sst” and Alteryx cannot read the file.

I can work around this by manually opening and saving the excel before importing it into Alteryx but this is not ideal, especially considering the automation implications.

I believe this may be happening because the XLSX generated by the source of the report has a prefix “x:” in all the tags in the Shared String XML embedded in Excel. See: 

Essentially, it would appear Alteryx is not able to read generated Excel sheets which has the prefix "x:" (e.g. from a bot). The second file which has been opened and saved in Excel manually can be read by Alteryx correctly.


Example of file as exported from ”BOT”:



How the same file looks once it is manually opened and saved:


Ideally Alteryx would read the file as is, i.e. with the "X:SST" tag seen above as having to manually open and save the excel before it can be read is rather clunky.



Hi there,


When connecting to data sources using DCM - could we please add the ability to make JDBC connections?




As mentioned in these threads - JDBC is very common in large enterprises - and in many cases is better supported by the technology teams / developer community and so is much easier to make a connection.    Added to this - there are many databases (e.g. DB2) where JDBC connections are just much easier 


Please could you add JDBC connections to the DCM tooling?


Thank you



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

Hi there,


When creating a database connection - Alteryx's default behaviour is to create an ODBC DSN-linked connection.


However DSN-linked connections do not work on a large server env - because this would require administrators to create these DSNs on every worker node and on every disaster recovery node, and update them all every time a canvas changes.

they are also not fully safe becuase part of the configuration of your canvas is held in the DSN - and so you cannot just rely on the code that's under version control.



Could we add a feature to Alteryx Designer that allows a user to expand a DSN into a fully-declared conneciton string?

In other words - if the connection string is listed as 


Then offer the user the ability to expand this out by interrogating the ODBC Connection manager to instead have the fully described connection string like this:


NOTE: This is exactly what users need to do manually today anyway to get to a DSN-less conneciton string - they have to craete a file DSN to figure out all the attributes (by opening it up in Notepad) and then paste these into the connection string manually.


Thanks all 




I like to annotate my workflows when finished, and it can be a bit of a pain to add more and more comment tools by searching for them, or going through the current right-click menu:


What would be nice is the option to right click anywhere on the canvas, and have the option of 'add comment', similar to how we have the option for 'add container' when selecting tools on the canvas.



  • Enhancement

When opening an Alteryx workflow that has been saved in a newer version, a warning message is shown, but you are still able to open the workflow, provided that it doesn't contain tools that don't exist in your current Alteryx version.


This does not work for packaged workflows that contain macros, for instance. You have to manually edit the xml of the extracted package file.


It would be great if we could have the same ability with packaged workflows that exists for normal workflows, i.e. the ability to extract and execute them with a warning.

The order of the join fields effects the ordering output


For more complex joins it would be nice to have up and down arrows much like the summarise tool:



It would be helpful if we could open 2 or more workflows at the same time from a gallery connection. Sometimes they are related or part of an overall update process, so opening all of them at the same time would save many clicks and a lot of time. 

  • Enhancement

We would like some enhancements to the Salesforce connectors (input and output) to allow:

- Either the Batch or the Bulk API to be used. Batch API is much better for smaller jobs while the Bulk is better for larger jobs (larger numbers of records). It would be very useful to allow the selection of which API was used by the tool to use the most efficient API.

- The number of records per batch to be defined in the tool. I know this can be achieved using a batch macro but it would be far easier (from a user point of view) to be able to enter this value in the Salesforce connector and have it manage the batch size. We frequently have issues with the batch size being too large and Salesforce having errors (and records not updating).

The data view of any anchor is searchable. I want to search the metadata view please.

Tn the test environment in our POC for Alteryx - SharePoint connection,
the connection request from SharePoint Input Tool (Designer) to M365 server results in authentication failure with a proxy server.
After trials and errors, we see that the authentication fails because the Proxy server for M365 does not accept HTTP request without "Host" header.
(please see attachment for details)


Alteryx Support says that Share Point Tools do not set Host header in HTTP request on any Designer versions,
We use Designer 2022.3.1.430 and SharePoint Tool 2.5.0.
Alteryx Support recreated the same issue on Designer 2024.1.1.93 and SharePoint Tool 2.6.3 for Designer 2024.
and they suggested me to submit an Idea on the community site as an enhancement request.
So I submit this as a new idea:
To enhance SharePoint Tool to send HTTP request with Host header.
(more preferably, to send HTTP 1.1 where Host header is mandatory.)


At the same time, I have questions to the community:
  • Have anyone experienced the same error?
  • If yes, is there any workaround to connect with M365?
I would like to avoid keep the current security setting as it takes time to change it.
Thank you in advance for your support !


I think I have neer wrotten an easier idea : the tooltip for the run workflow button should indicate the keyboard shortcut (ctrl+R). So simple, so intuitive..


Best regards,


Hello all,

Here the issue : I have a workflow in my One Drive folder

In that workflow, I use a macro that writes a file with a relative path (..\6_Big_Data\EN\.csv ) :


Strangely, it doesn't work and the error message seems to relate to a folder that doesn't exist (but also, not the one I have set)

ErrorLink: Output Data (1):*/*/ta-p/724327?utm_source=designer&utm_medium=resultsgrid|Cannot access the folder C:\Users\saubert\OneDrive - Business & Decision\Documents\B&D_Market\6_Big_Data\EN\.

I really would like that to work :)

Best regards,


Formula Tool --> Functions --> Operators list


The operator titles for the two comment functions are too similar, the difference cannot be determined unless checking the hover text.

Can the title for /* Comment */ be adjusted to make it more clear that it is for block or multi-line usage?

I didn't understand the difference until I saw this post on LinkedIn:

/* Comment */ --> /* Block Comment */   |   /* Multi-line Comment */


2024-02-21 08_18_04-Alteryx Designer x64 - _New Workflow1.png


2024-02-21 08_18_11-Alteryx Designer x64 - _New Workflow1.png

Please consider implementing a consistent case-sensitive option for all tools and functions.


To compare string values, including case-sensitivity:   This post had a good description of the challenge, but the post has been archived:

   For all the time I've used Alteryx, I thought that IF "test" = "TEST" would evaluate to false. Today I realised that isn't the case and I was surprised. I'm very surprised that "equals" performs like it does.


A few existing Ideas request case-sensitivity for individual tools:

   Case insensitive option while joining two data sets


   Unique tool enhancement - deal with case sensitive data



This new Idea requests system-wide consideration for case-sensitivity, for all tools and functions.


Current state:


These tools and functions are case-sensitive:

  • Tool: Join
  • Tool: Tile
  • Function: FindString
  • Functions: MD5_ASCII, MD5_UNICODE, MD5_UTF8

These tools and functions are NOT case-sensitive:

  • Tool: Unique
  • Function: CompareDictionary

These tools and functions can be either case-sensitive or NOT case-sensitive, depending on the options used:

  • Function: Contains
  • Function: EndsWith
  • Function: StartsWith
  • Functions: REGEX_Match, REGEX_Replace, REGEX_CountMatches

Current Challenges:

   How do we easily identify Lower Case, Upper Case, Mixed Case?

   How do we easily compare strings for equality, using case sensitivity?



   Ensure all tools and functions include an option to ignore or consider Case

   Create new functions for IsUpperCase, IsLowerCase, IsMixedCase

   Create a new function for IsEqual, with an option to ignore or consider Case


See attached workflow, which

  • uses REGEX_Match to create 3 new fields: IsUpperCase, IsLowerCase, IsMixedCase
  • creates a field [Flag: Original value IsEqual, case-sensitive], to compare strings for equality, using case sensitivity


Hello All,


I'm using the dynamic input tool for SQL requests in my Workflow (WF).

I'm using the "Replace a Specific String" to replace elements in the SQL statement dynamically depeding on results of prevoius tools, user input etc.

So the statement looks like

select * from Schema_Name_xx where invoice_number = 'invoice_number_xx'


Since Schema_Name_xx is no valid Schema in the Database, the statement (= Validation) won't work. Only if I replace Schema_Name_xx by e.g. Invoice_Data_Current it will work, same with the invoice number, invoice_number_xx is replaced by e.g. 4711.

Therefore, validation makes no sense and will never work, only if the WF is running, the correct Schema is inserted in the SQL statement by the "Replace a Specific String" function.

It would be great to disable it in the users settings or wherever in the Designer, changing a config file would also be great :-)

Pls. note: I'm thinking (since I'm not allowed anyway ;-)) about changing/disabeling anything in the Alteryx Server settings.



1. Speed: Validating a WF with SQL statements that don't work takes time (every time I save it), sometimes I get even a timeout...

2. WF error entries: Each upload with a  failed validation creates an entry in the WF result list which makes it harder to seperate them from the "real" WF errors...


Thanks & Best Regards,


Hi, I was looking for this but couldn't find a similar idea, so I post a new one. If someone knows about a similar idea, please ask the moderators to mer


CountChars(<String>, <char to count>,<case sensitive>)


Where <char to count> and <case sensitive> are optional parameters.

If <char to count> is not provided, the funtion will return the total character count within the <String>.

If <char to count> is provided, it'll return the number of ocurrences of that character within the <String>.


PS: For those tempted to suggest a workaround, I've been using REGEX_CountMatches() for this. Actually, the focus is to simplify user's experience and workflow performance providing a native function, instead of using REGEX which it's very demmanding on resources.

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