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Convert from DSN to DSN-Less

Hi there,


When creating a database connection - Alteryx's default behaviour is to create an ODBC DSN-linked connection.


However DSN-linked connections do not work on a large server env - because this would require administrators to create these DSNs on every worker node and on every disaster recovery node, and update them all every time a canvas changes.

they are also not fully safe becuase part of the configuration of your canvas is held in the DSN - and so you cannot just rely on the code that's under version control.



Could we add a feature to Alteryx Designer that allows a user to expand a DSN into a fully-declared conneciton string?

In other words - if the connection string is listed as 


Then offer the user the ability to expand this out by interrogating the ODBC Connection manager to instead have the fully described connection string like this:


NOTE: This is exactly what users need to do manually today anyway to get to a DSN-less conneciton string - they have to craete a file DSN to figure out all the attributes (by opening it up in Notepad) and then paste these into the connection string manually.


Thanks all 
