Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I will start off with a story. I have built a process to manage batch API requests. It's an iterative process that checks to see where the export is at by calling an API and then returning some status. It will run and wait and run and wait until the export is ready to be downloaded. However sometimes, the jobs don't finish and a status returns something like "failed" or "cancelled". When this is the case, I have my process (which is a little bit batch macro) kicks off an error message, using the nifty error message tool. After some time I noticed that it was a PAIN to go back and figure out which of my requests failed and I decided that I need to add some messaging around where this was failing, so I could do some easy auditing. So I go back into my tool and much to my chagrin, I cannot pass variables into the message section. I would expect it to have worked something like this:


"Record "+[#2]+" is not 'A'"


Can we please get a change to this. It would save a lot of time and energy if we could create a dynamic error message option.


TL;DR Please allow us to use formulas in the "If expression is true, display error message:" settings area.

We aren't getting a huge amount of help from support on this, so I'm posting this idea to raise awareness for the product teams responsible for the Salesforce connectors and the embedded Python environment.


This post from user Dubya describes the issue in detail:


I have a workflow with several salesforce tools in it, which works fine on my machine. But we need another alteryx user in our office to be able to access, run and maintain the workflow too, via their machine and copy of alteryx designer.

However we're finding that the salesforce inputs and outputs can only be authenticated on one machine at a time.

When the other new user opens the original workflow from the shared network location, the salesforce tools display an error "Salesforce Input (1): {'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'authentication failure'}" and the tools fail to load any data. But we can see the full query in the tool and we can even set the custom query option and validate the query successfully, which suggests the source is being correctly connected to and queried, but we just cant run the tool.

The only way to run the tool successfully is to change the credentials and re-authenticate the tool. However this then de-authenticates the original machine, and when we open up the workflow on there and try to run ying the workflow brings back the same error.

We've both tried this authentication back and forth on our own machines and each time one of us re-authenticates, it de-authenticates the other, leading to it triggering the error.

Can someone help explain what's going on and how to fix it, as this doesn't bode well for our collaboration.

We're both running:
The latest build of version of designer 2021.2 (original machine also running desktop automation)
Salesforce Input Tool v4.1.0
Salesforce Output Tool v1.3.0

My response here identifies that this is a problem for our organization as well:


We're experiencing the same issue. It appears to be related to how the tool handles password and security token decryption. I've found that when you modify the related registry entry from "true" to "false", you can see in the tool's xml that the encrypted password and security token are still in there. I'm not sure what else is going on behind the scenes beyond that, but that ought to be addressable by the product teams handling the Salesforce connectors and the Python installation embedded in Designer.

The only differences in our environment compared to u/Dubya's are that we're running on 2020.4 and attempting to use Salesforce Input Tool v4.2.4.


This is a must have for anyone who needs the ability to share workflows among multiple users. This is part of a series of problems that these updated connectors have been plagued with since introducing them years ago, and no one at Alteryx seems to care enough to truly fix the problems. Salesforce is a core system for our organization, so having tools that utilize the latest version of Salesforce's APIs is very important to us. The additional features that the Input tool provides are welcome, but these bugs have to be sorted out in order for us to extract any kind of value out of them. If the "deprecated" Salesforce tools were ever to be removed from Designer while there are issues with the "new" connectors, we would have no choice other than to never upgrade Designer/Server again and be forced to look for another product to serve as our ETL platform.


Please, please, please address this.

We would like some enhancements to the Salesforce connectors (input and output) to allow:

- Either the Batch or the Bulk API to be used. Batch API is much better for smaller jobs while the Bulk is better for larger jobs (larger numbers of records). It would be very useful to allow the selection of which API was used by the tool to use the most efficient API.

- The number of records per batch to be defined in the tool. I know this can be achieved using a batch macro but it would be far easier (from a user point of view) to be able to enter this value in the Salesforce connector and have it manage the batch size. We frequently have issues with the batch size being too large and Salesforce having errors (and records not updating).

Dear Alteryx Gods, I beseech thee!


The most common use of the Browse tool in the Alteryx Designer is to pop the results out into a full window. Can we PLEASE have a single button to do this rather than this functionality being hidden under the action menu?



  • Enhancement

Passing data to the next app running in a chain from the gallery varies from challenging to impossible. An impossible situation I've found is when the same user needs to run multiple instances of the app simultaneously. Very difficult is just allowing two different users to run simultaneously without risk of passed data mixing between the two.


This idea would add the capability to pass values from one app in the chain into user variables in the next app in the chain.




Hello Alteryx Support,


I’m a Business Analytics Manager at Evernorth. My team and I use Alteryx Designer 2020.2 x64 for daily data preparation + analytic purposes; primarily, the desktop version but also have access to the company Alteryx Server ‘Gallery’ as well. Recently, we ran into a challenge and after asking around we still couldn’t find a solution.


Our Need:

We are seeking a solution to ‘add an example link’ in our custom built macro.


Our Challenge:

We don’t have the proper permissions to save and/or write to the “C:” designated folder location required to host the file as specified within the Alteryx Community help documentation (e.g. outlined below). --> We understand this is an internal IT obstacle that will take time to work out from a corporate data governance perspective, which is why we are seeking Alteryx Support.


At the end of the day, we are reaching out to see if your team can help us understand if there are alternative solutions that we can explore. Making the assumption, that is…that we can’t take the suggested approach in the documentation. See below for details about what we are trying to achieve.


Current macro state (…as viewed by Alteryx Designer users in the user-interfaces top tool panel for viewable macros):




Desired future macro state:




***Help Documentation***

What we currently know: (According to…How to add an example link in the custom tool - Alteryx Community)


  1. Alteryx Designer


  1. Place the sample workflow in the %ALTERYX_INSTALL%\Alteryx\Samples\%LANG%. A separate folder can be created to store the workflow. An example of a directory: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Samples\en\MyTest
  2. Add in the "Example" tag with "Description" and "File" child tag in the tool configuration file of the custom/user tool.


            Open Example
            Path to the workflow




  1. The sample workflow can only exist in %ALTERYX_INSTALL%\Alteryx\Samples\%LANG%. The link will fail  if the file is located in a different path.
  2. The sample workflow needs to be distributed separately from the custom tool installation since it has to be stored in %ALTERYX_INSTALL%\Alteryx\Samples\%LANG%.


Thanks for your support and consideration to create a feature enhancement that allows Alteryx Designer users to 'add an example link to their custom tool' without having to go to the C:\ file location in order for it to work!






For the Image Input Tool please add:


   1) A wildcard input for filename.

   2) A check-box to choose sub-folders.





I think the option Overwrite File (Remove) shouldn't throw an error if the file is not present


Or, I don't know, make 2 options : one with fail if file is missing, the other to not fail.

This idea is the same than but for files.

Best regards,



Hi All,




When input <List of Sheet Names>, Alteryx will assign data type and size accordingly.



FileSheet NameData TypeSize
Book1MTD 매출 조회V_WString9
Book2MTD 매출 (KT&G)V_WString13


It become a problem, when input with multiple files with wildcard (Input file Book*xlsx).

It will be skipped due to "has a different schema than the 1st file in the set and will be skipped"



Very simple, always same data type and size, like in formula tool. V_Wstring, with size 1073741823.

I want to jump to expression #3 of formula (3), when I see following error message. Now I can jump to formula (3), but only expression #1 is opened, not #3. If I have 30 expressions, it is hard to find #20 in 30s.



  • Enhancement

Instead of using the arrows, I think it would be nice to be able to drag and drop the questions to rearrange them in the Interface Designer. This would go more hand in hand with the drag and drop experience of Alteryx.


Additionally, when a lot of interface tools are on the canvas, Designer really slows down if you need to rearrange the order of the tools in the Interface Designer. I would like to see if there is any way that this can be sped up.




  • Enhancement

Dear Community,


could you please change the path processing of the alteryx app interface so that we can paste path links with quotation marks without getting an error by the alteryx app?

this would enhance workflow speed because one cannot save folder location for the interface to search for first when browsing files. it always begins at the pc level or something. 

so the workaround would be to just paste the file location path in the browser window of the interface, then pressing browse again to just scroll through the wished folder. 

this idea is not only for the purpose of the workaround but also for itself worth it. 

in windows one can easily copy file paths by holding down shift and right mouse click and the clicking on "copy path" . the copy is in the clipboard which i would like to pass to the alteryx app just like this without the necessity to remove the quotation marks as this costs time and is difficult when paths are long. 


thank you

@RithiS ,


I'm a fan of using DETOUR tools in Alteryx.  I often place "test" code into a standard workflow and opt to use it or not based upon a detour.  The challenge is that adding a detour and detour end invariably leads to having to re-route connectors (default of adding tools is to connect to the left).  Here's a picture:




What I'd like to do is SELECT the tool or tools that I want to connect around (in this case, just the formula tool).  I'd like to right-click and DETOUR.  The detour and detour end would be added (putting the selected tools in the path of the RIGHT option.  This would greatly speed up the tool configuration process.


If you want to go for extra credit, you could modify the GUI to express which direction a detour is travelling in a standard workflow (e.g. make connections wireless or dashed when not selected).






@Claje @Hollingsworth @SeanAdams 

  • Enhancement

After I type something into the filter box, I should be able hit enter and then it just applies my change (ie enter hits the apply button). It used to be this way, but it's not working as of 2021.2. This feels like a very tiny move in the wrong direction. Currently enter does nothing. It looks like if I hit tab twice and then enter, it finds the apply button. I shouldn't have to hit tab twice. 



cc: @Hollingsworth @A11yKyle 


  • Enhancement

Using Email tool, you are not able to send email via SMTP server that uses STARTTLS protocol and self-signed certificate for completing the handshake between the client and the server. You face an error:



This is due to the fact that the Alteryx Designer SMTP client uses cURL and it does not read the Microsoft cert store, but instead looks at a specific .pem file listed in the installation directory: {AlteryxInstall}\bin\RuntimeData\Certificates\cacert.pem


I would really appreciate if Alteryx Designer will be able to look into the Microsoft certificates store so that it should be able to use self-signed certificates available there.

Self-signed certificates are often use in the companies in order to get more secures their own communications.



please refer to the case #00447188 for more details


The ARIMA tool provides a ton of valuable information with just a small amount of effort.  And the "I" anchor efficiently outputs test results to evaluate the effectiveness of the model.


Annoyingly, in the Browse tool off the "I" anchor, test definitions such as MPE/MAPE/MASE cannot be read when hovering without widening the Configuration window beyond the chart above.   Definitions have a wider range than the chart itself.  The user has to manually widen and then subsequently unwiden the Configuration window to read.


Idea would be for the tooltips when hovering to be as wide as the chart above.  That would avoid repetitive resizing of the Configuration window.



When you enter a search term in the results window, it would be great if it highlighted that term in the data results window. Otherwise, it still takes work to find where your search term is located in each row.



  • Enhancement

The SQL compiler within the Input Tool places a space between operators causing a SQL syntax error.




SELECT * FROM [DataSource] WHERE [Dimension] != 'abc'




SELECT * FROM [DataSource] WHERE [Dimension] ! = 'abc'


The compiler should not add a space in this instance as it violates the syntax rules and triggers an error.

With all the talk of #TeamVertical and #TeamHorizonal an idea emerged for diagonal orientation. Now, it's a funny idea at first glance, but actually having the ability to control the general organization of a workflow could be very helpful. Imagine if there was a dot or arrow like in word that would enable us to tilt the canvas to fit our screens better. Like below, but leaving the text horizontal.



This solves the problem with the Left Join anchors moving to the top and instead allows anyone to rotate their workflow to what fits the case.




  • Enhancement

It would be nice to have 2 tier tool annotations.  


Tier 1 would be akin to an H1 title and serve as a condensed descriptive title the user creates.  


Tier 2 would be analogous to the current annotation option and provide a mechanism to provide specific details regarding the operation being performed by a specific tool (relative to the workflow).


The default might be to show Tier 1 and hide Tier 2.  A user would have the option to show all Tier 2 annotations or chose to show select Tier 2 annotations (much like the current annotation show/hide options).  An alternative option might be two depict Tier 2 as a hover over tool tip.  





  • Enhancement
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