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If progress bar or overall process completion percentage can be displayed somewhere, adds great value for the users running complex processes (with multiple databases/ files as input and complex queries especially spatial queries).



When choosing "In List" values in a CYDB input, the normal Windows functions do not work (shift+click, ctl+A, ctl+click, etc.).


When having to choose, say, 20 values, it is a big annoyance to have to click each value (20 clicks). 


Have been told this is a bug so I wanted to put it on your radar for a fix.

It would be very helpful to have hidden/interactive labels that can be utilized for an Report Map that only appear when the user is hovering over a specific part of the map. For example they only want to see the sales numbers for California, but do want to change the map. It probably makes the most sense to have this available for the HTML Report Maps. This would allow the report map to not look too crowded with labels, but still have the labels available if the user is interested in a particular part of the map. Is this something that can eventually be added to the report map tool?

We use several Files that are fairly large (canvas size). To traverse around to try and find where we last left off or to examine a specific X, Y at a specific would need to either remember the tool number to search for or search for a keyword that returns several choices.


My suggested solution would be to create a bookmark(s). This would allow you to save a named bookmark that would save exactly where (X,Y) you are in the canvas and the Zoom level (Z). This way you could easily switch back and forth with in a canvas just back clicking the bookmark.


If anyone has ever used a CAD program that allowed the creation of 'Views' within the same diagram...this would be similar.


Thank you



I've been working on reporting for a while now and figure out that creatitng sub total wasn't part of any tool. 


Any chance this could be implemented in next versions or any macro available?






I think that the sample tool should have a T or F port.


Lets say I want to keep first N records but would like to stream the rest of the data (the not sampled one) somewhere else in my workflow, its possible but it would be easier to have that in the sampler. 




I am trying to run batch regressions on a pretty sizable set of data.  About ~1M distinct groups of data, each wtih 30-500 x,y pairs.


A batch macro with a linear regression works ok - but it is really slow.  Started at about 2-3s per regression.  After stripping out bunch or reporting from the macro, I am down to ~2s.  This is still feels quite slow compared to something purpose built.


Has anyone experimented with higher speed versions that just dump out m,b, & r2?

Currently only DateTime based functions are available, Time based functions should be introduced. like TimeAdd(), TimeDiff() etc.

This will help users a lot to calculate different aspects of time based calculations...


Ashok Bhatt


A funcionality added to the Impute values tool for multiple imputation and maximum likelihood imputation of fields with missing at random will be very useful.



Missing data form a problem and advanced techniques are complicated. One great idea in statistics is multiple imputation,

filling the gaps in the data not with average, median, mode or user defined static values but instead with plausible values considering other fields.


SAS has PROC MI tool, here is a page detailing the usage with examples:

Also there is PROC CALIS for maximum likelihood here...


Same useful tool exists in spss as well



I've come to realize that the JOIN tool is case-sensitive by design but it would be helpful if you could turn that behavior on/off (via checkbox?) within the JOIN tool.  For those of us that work predominantly in database environments that are not case-sensitive, this default behavior has caused me problems many times.  Having to force the case to either upper or lower upstream of the JOIN on both flows in order to ensure a successful join is an extra step that would not be necessary if you could disable case-sensitive with a checkbox.

There is a web hosted trial that anyone can have a hands on experiance with alteryx tutorials  without even downoading the tool.

That's awesome...


It may be a nice idea to;


1) either start seperate "Alteryx-kaggle" instances with data sets specific to each kaggle competition so that anyone want to try out may have a go with those well known examples thru the Alteryx site, 

2) Or even better have a partnership with kaggle so that anyone can just have it's own Alteryx trial per specific competition on the kaggle website...


I'm sure this will draw a lot of attention...



You'll immediately have a greater reach in Kaggle community, some data hobbiyists and cs, ie students and acedemics (which will eventually end up doing lot's of data blending when ther are going to be hired by top notch firms...

I find it very difficult to read Warnings in the Messages palette because the text is a light yellow against a white backgroud.


I'd love to be able to change either the text color, the background color of the palette, or both.

In v10, I am using the summarize tool a lot and getting tired of selecting one or more fields and doing a sum function and having to revisit each summary tool when you add a numeric field upstream... I was hoping there would be a more dynamic method, e.g. select all numeric fields and then doing a SUM on _currentfield_.

Then I remembered the Field Info tool. (on a side note, I'd bet this tool is overlooked a lot). This tool is great because for each numeric field you get Min, Max, Median, Std Dev, Percent Missing, Unique Values, Mean, etc.

The one thing that's missing is SUM. Can you add it?


Also, can you give the user option to turn off layouts and reports so it runs faster? I only care out the data side.


or is there another way to do sum on dynamically selected numeric fields? (include Sum on Unknown field)

It would be great to have a spatial function that could be used to evaluate whether two spatial objects are equal/identical. I see this being available in at least three places:


  1. An "ST_Equal" Formula function
  2. A SpatialMatch "Where Target Equals Universe"
  3. An "Equals" Action in the Spatial Process tool

Currently there is no option to edit an existing macro search path from Options-> User Settings -> Macros. Only options are Add / Delete. Ideally we need the Edit option as well.


Existing Category needs to be deleted and created again with the correct path, if search path is changed from one location to another.




The sum function is probably the one I use most in the summarize tool. It is a silly thing, but it would be nice for "Sum" to be in the single-click list, rather than in the "Numeric" category...


Move sum functionMove sum function

This setting is currently in the Options menu under user settings, but I think it would be more intuitive and more consistent with the norm for most software if the check box were directly on the splash screen.


In forecasting and in commercial/sme risk scoring there is a need for trying vast number of algebraic equations which is a very cumbersome prosess. Let's add symbolic regression as a new competitive capability.



Summations, ratios, power transforms and all combinations of a like are needed to be tested as new variables for a forecasting or prediction model. Doing this by hand manually is a though and long business... And there is always a possibility for one to skip a valuable combination.



Symbolic regression is a novel techinique for automatically generating algebraic equations with use of genetic programming
In every evolution a variable is selected checked if the equation is discriminatitive of the target variable at hand. In every next step frequently observed variables will be selected more likely.


SR comparison with linear regression neural nets and random forestsSR comparison with linear regression neural nets and random forests


Benefit for clients:

This method produces variables mainly with nonlinear relationships. It is a technique that will help in corporate/commercial/sme risk modelling, such that powerful risk models are generated from a hort list of B/S and P/L based algebraic equations.
There is potential use cases in algorithmic trading as well...


There are 3 very interesting world problems solved with symbolic regression here.

A very relevant thesis by sean Wouter is attached as a pdf document for your reading pleasure...


R side of things:

I've found Rgp package for genetic programming, here is a link.



I haven't seen something similar in SAS, SPSS but there is this;

Also there is Bruce Ratner's page


I would love to see the option to publish the description information from an alteryx workflow into Tableau tde files as the default comment field

As with Output Data tool, it would be very helpful to have this option within the Calgary Loader tool.  I have a series of ordered analytic apps and if I could name the Calgary database using the "Take File/Table Name from Field" option I would be able to chain the apps and be much more efficient.



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