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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
There are several dozens of data sources... maybe it would be useful to have a search in it?
Best regards,
Hello all,
As of today, you can only (officially) connect to a postgresql through ODBC with the SIMBA driver
help page :
You have to download the driver from your license page
However there is a perfectly fine official driver for postgresql here
I would like Alteryx to support it for several obvious reasons :
1/I don't want several drivers for the same database
2/the simba driver is not supported for last releases of postgresql
3/the simba driver is somehow less robust than the official driver
4/well... it's the official driver and this leads to unecessary between Alteryx admin/users and PG db admin.
Best regards,
Hi all,
When preparing reports with formatting for my stakeholders. They want these sent straight to sharepoint and this can be achieved via onedrive shortcuts on a laptop. However when sending the workflow for full automation, the server's C drive is not setup with the appropriate shortcuts and it is not allowed by our admin team.
So my request is to have the sharepoint output tool upgraded to push formatted files to sharepoint.
Thank you!
When loading multiple sheets from and Excel with either the Input Data tool or the Dynamic Input Tool, I usually want a field to identify which Sheet the data came from. Currently I have to import the Full Path and then remove everything except the SheetName.
It would be great if there was an option to output she SheetName as a field.
Here is the proposal about an issue that I face frequently at work.
Problem Statement -
Frequent failure of workflows that have either been scheduled or run manually on server because the excel input file is sometimes open by another user or someone forgot to close the file before going out of office or some other reason.
Proposed Solution -
The Input/Dynamic Input tools to have the ability to read excel files even when it is open so that the workflows do not fail which will have a huge impact in terms of time savings and will avoid regular monitoring of the scheduled workflows.
As of today, DCM is great to store credentials. But once we want to dive deeper in technicity, like using macros or Applications, it's really bad. One of the things I hate is that we can't retrieve any informations from the DCM connection, just the id. Not good for logs, really bad for understanding and have some conditional logic related to connection type or name.
Here an example
Nice, I managed to retrieve an id but I have no idea of what it means : what kind of connection? what's name?
Best regards,
For companies that have migrated to OneDrive/Teams for data storage, employees need to be able to dynamically input and output data within their workflows in order to schedule a workflow on Alteryx Server and avoid building batch MACROs.
With many organizations migrating to OneDrive, a Dynamic Input/Output tool for OneDrive and SharePoint is needed.
The enhancement should have the following components:
OneDrive/SharePoint Directory Tool
OneDrive/SharePoint Dynamic Input Tool
Dynamic OneDrive/SharePoint Output Tool
version 2021.4 does not allow workflows to run if any of their input files are open.... would be great to have an option for the input tool that switches on/off the ability to read from open files. Some of my input files have frequent data changes and i tend to keep them open while testing/simulating results
Thank you,
Whenever I overwrite an Excel sheet with data of the same format just different values (e.g. Q2 data versus Q1 data) all of my Pivot Tables break and I have to manually recreate them even though the schema didn't change. Somehow the Table is being deleted/removed and replaced with a completely different Table which is what causes the Pivot Tables to break. The only way to avoid this is to manually set the Cell Range, but who has time for that? The only solution I have found is to manually copy all values and paste them over the existing data which is very inefficient the more sheets you are working with.
Hello all,
Apache Doris ( ) is a modern datawarehouse with a lot of ambitions. It's probably the next big thing.
You can read the full doc here but to sum it up, it aims to be THE reference solution for OLAP by claiming even better performance than Clickhouse, DuckDB or MonetDB. Even benchmarks from the Clickhouse team seem to agree.
Best regards,
Hello all,
As of now, you have two very distinct kinds of connection :
-in memory alias
-in database alias
It happens than every single time I use a in-database alias I have to create the same for in memory since some operations cannot be realized in in-database (such as pre-sql or interface tools)
What does that mean for us :
-more complex settings operations/training/tests
-unefficient worflows that have to deal with two kinds of alias.
What I propose :
-a single "connection alias", that can be used either for in-db either for in-memory,
-one place to configure
-the in-db or in-memory being dependant on the tools you use
Best regards,
Please improve the Excel XLSX output options in the Output tool, or create a new Excel Output tool,
or enhance the Render tool to include an Excel output option, with no focus on margins, paper size, or paper orientation
The problem with the current Basic Table and Render tools are they are geared towards reporting, with a focus on page size and margins.
Many of us use Excel as simply a general output method, with no consideration for fitting the output on a printed page.
The new tool or Render enhancement would handle different formats/different schemas without the need for a batch macro, and would include the options below.
The only current option to export different schemas to different Sheets in one Excel file, without regard to paper formatting, is to use a batch macro and include the CReW macro Wait a Second, to allow Excel to properly shut down before a new Sheet is created, to avoid file-write-contention issues.
Including the Wait a Second macro increased the completion time for one of my workflows by 50%, as shown in the screehshots below.
I have a Powershell script that includes many of the formatting options below, but it would be a great help if a native Output or Reporting tool included these options:
Allow options below for specific selected Sheet names, or for All Sheets
AllColumns_MaxWidth: Maximum width for ALL columns in the spreadsheet. Default value = 50. This value can be changed for specific columns by using option Column_SetWidth.
Column_SetWidth: Set selected columns to an exact width. For the selected columns, this value will override the value in AllColumns_MaxWidth.
Column_Centered: Set selected columns to have text centered horizontally.
Column_WrapText: Set selected columns to Wrap text.
AllCells_WrapText: Checkbox: wrap text in every cell in the entire worksheet. Default value = False.
AllRows_AutoFit: Checkbox: to set the height for every row to autofit. Default value False.
Header_Format: checkbox for Bold, specify header cells background color, Border size: 1pt, 2pt, 3pt, and border color, Enable_Data_Filter: checkbox
Header_freeze_top_row: checkbox, or specify A2:B2 to freeze panes
Sheet_overflow: checkbox: if the number of Sheet rows exceeds Excel limit, automatically create the next sheet with "(2)" appended
Column_format_Currency: Set selected columns to Currency: currency format, with comma separators, and negative numbers colored red.
Column_format_TwoDecimals: Set selected columns to Two decimals: two decimals, with comma separators, and negative numbers colored red.
Note: If the same field name is used in Column_Currency and Column_TwoDecimals, the field will be formatted with two decimals, and not formatted as currency.
Column_format_ShortDate: Set selected columns to Short Date: the Excel default for Short Date is "MM/DD/YYYY".
File_suggest_read_only: checkbox: Set flag to display this message when a user opens the Excel file: "The author would like you to open 'Analytic List.xlsx' as read-only unless you need to make changes. Open as read-only?
vb code: xlWB.ReadOnlyRecommended = True
File_name_include_date_time: checkboxes to add file name Prefix or Suffix with creation Date and/or Time
My only current option: use a batch macro, plus a Wait a Second macro, to write different formats/schemas to multiple Sheets in one Excel file:
Using the Wait a Second macro, to allow Excel to shut down before writing a new Sheet, to avoid write-contention issues, results in a workflow that runs 50% longer:
Hi everyone,
Add two additional features to a directory tool. Something like this:
Use cases:
1. Since it is not possible to use a folder browse on the Gallery, this could help a basic user create a list of possible folders to select from with the help of a drop-down
2. Directory analysis for cleaning purposes - currently, if you want to get a list of the folders with Alteryx, it takes forever for big file servers since Alteryx is mapping all the files
Both are achievable today through regex or a bat script.
Thank you,
Fernando Vizcaino
Hello all,
As of today, we use the good old alias in-memory to connect to our datasources in in-memory. We have several environments so we use constants in order to change the name of the in-memory alias during execution.
To illustrate :
Depending of the environment, the constant « v_gp_contexte » will take different values :
Sounds nice, right? But now, we would like to use DCM and the nightmare begins :
We can't manually change the name and set the question :
if we look at the xml of the workflow, we only find an id so editing it is useless :
(for informationDCM connections are stored in some sqlite db in C:\Users\{yourname}\AppData\Local\Alteryx
So, I would like to use the DCM inside the in-memory alias (the in-memory alias is stored and can be edited), just like for in-db connection alias.
Best regards,
Hello all,
Here the issue : I have a workflow in my One Drive folder
In that workflow, I use a macro that writes a file with a relative path (..\6_Big_Data\EN\.csv ) :
Strangely, it doesn't work and the error message seems to relate to a folder that doesn't exist (but also, not the one I have set)
ErrorLink: Output Data (1):*/*/ta-p/724327?utm_source=designer&utm_medium=resultsgrid|Cannot access the folder C:\Users\saubert\OneDrive - Business & Decision\Documents\B&D_Market\6_Big_Data\EN\.
I really would like that to work :)
Best regards,
Hello all,
ADBC is a database connection standard (like ODBC or JDBC) but specifically designed for columnar storage (so database like DuckDB, Clickhouse, MonetDB, Vertica...). This is typically the kind of stuff that can make Alteryx way faster.
more info in
Here a benchmark made by the guys at DuckDB : 38x improvement
Best regards,
Referencing the previous idea: Inputs/Output should have the option to read/write a compressed file (ZIP or GZIP)
This idea has been implemented for inputting .zip files. However, we still need to use the run command workaround for outputs. It's very common for many users to want to output their .csv, .xlsx, .pdf to a .zip. The functionality would also need to extend to Gallery.
See the following links for people that are looking for this type of functionality:
Feel free to merge this idea with the previous one for continuity.
Hello all,
Sometimes, when you have too much time to retrieve your tables metadas, you can have this message
Initialization Timed Out: Workflow must be run for field meta info to be accurate.
From what I understand, it's Alteryx and the source system that drives the time out value. However, I have some cases where the long time is "normal" and that really hurts the user experience.
So, I would like the ability in settings to change the default value.
Best regards,
This is a QoL-request, and I love me some QoL-updates!
While I'm developing I often need the output of a workflow as input for the next phase of my development. For example: an API run returns job location, status, and authentication ids. I want to use these in a new workflow to start experimenting what'll work best. Because of the experimenting part, I always do this in a new workflow and not cache and continue in my main flow.
Writing a temporary output file always feels like unnescesary steps, and tbh I don't want to write a file for a step that'll be gone before it reaches production. Esp if there is sensitive information in it.
In the Input tool, I rely heavily on the recent connection history list. As soon as a file falls off of this list, it takes me a while to recall where it's saved and navigate to the file I'm wanting to use. It would be great to have a feature that would allow users to set their favorite connections/files so that they remain at the top of the connection history list for easy access.