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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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hyperlinks in Comment tools

I wasn't able to find an existing idea for this, so here goes...


We often put URLs in Comment boxes in order to direct workflow users to different resources, but users are then required to go into the Comment and copy the string (and then paste in their browser). It would be quite handy if the Comment tool simply turned text strings with a url format into clickable links (as seen in Word, Slack, etc).


It would be even more handy if it also had basic text formatting tools (bold, italic, underline, coloring, highlighting of specified characters/words) -- or if it could just render html (like this text tool I'm typing into right now) 😎

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @dynamicsnail thanks for your feedback! That would be an intuitive feature. Other users have submitted similar ideas about basic text formatting, so make sure you "like" those ideas!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I second and third this motion.