Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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User Settings Default: Show All Macro Messages

I would love to have a User Setting Default where it allows the "Show All Macro Messages" to be on for all workflows instead of having to turn it on for each workflow.


Show All Macros Message.JPG



Advanced User SettingsAdvanced User Settings

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
9 - Comet

is this already implemented?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Keep in mind that when running on Server, there is only 16MB of space allowed for the results file.  If you have Show All Macro Messages enabled and that expands the results files, your mongo will expand and any workflow that generates a file larger than 16MB will show as having thrown an Engine error even if it completes correctly.  You will not be able to see any of the results of such workflow runs, nor be able to tell whether they were successful.  I think the potential for customer dissatisfaction is very great if users forget they have this set and then publish their workflows. 

If this idea is implemented, then there would need to be a separate workflow-level setting that would allow one to toggle Show All Macro Messages for publication.  It is sometimes useful for troubleshooting Server runs of workflows, but usually published workflows should not Show All Macro Messages.