Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Publish Data Connections from designer

Hi All,


My company has been using Alteryx designer for several years now but recently started a pilot for Alteryx server. One of the issues we have found is users keep trying to publish workflows that have aliased data connections. As our current Gallery Admin, i do not have permission nor do I know the wide range of connections that the users are trying to connect to. W would like to give users the ability to create/publish an aliased connection directly to Gallery. When this happens, it would automatically add that user to the data connection. They would also be given the ability to share the data source just like they can share a work flow.

One of our goals with this pilot is to promote self service, but having users wait on Admins to create the connections slows their process down.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @jasley89,


Thanks for sharing your idea! I just updated a post about a very similar idea here -> Share connections from Designer . I'll follow both of these posts and be sure to note how much interest we get for this feature. Please continue to share ideas and we love to hear about product feedback.

13 - Pulsar


Can it be possible to have some news ? It was acceoted 5 years ago...

Best regards,
