Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Update "Run another Analytic App" based on interface input

It would be great to dynamic update the next Analytic App based on an interface input. This mean I have a chained app. In Step 1 I ask a Yes/No Question. The Answer to this question will determine to open in Step 2 Analytic App A (with it's own interface Inputs) or Analytic App B (with other interface inputs).

Many users are facing this issue when they want to create an tool (e.g. for mapping purposes) that contains two datastreams/flows with different interface input requirements.

Adding this feature would allow us to create different dataflows with different input requirements. This helps us to differentiate between different mappingsschemes and increases userexperience (currently they have to fill a lot of unnecessary interface inputs). Thanks.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
5 - Atom

Looking at the Interface Designer the On Success - Run Another Analytic App box being hard coded seems to be a field we should be able to leverage later in the workflow.  We have other Engine Constants we can work leverage this seems an opportune location to be able to update that versus having to do the hard coding