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Size of the columns in the select tool

My fields names may be a little long (about 20 uppercase characters). As of today, I have to resize the column displaying the field name every time I browse the Select Tool, id est pretty much. If not blocking, it appears to be clearly frustrating that Alteryx doesn't save the size of the column...

Best regards.

Sans titre.png

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I can't reproduce this behavior in 19.1. Is this still an issue? My Select configuration adjusts to the size of the field name by default as shown below:





13 - Pulsar

@ARich  : Hello and thanks for the answer.
Right now, the issue with 2019.1 is quite different :
1/The column automatically resize, which is good
2/I cannot resize it at all. Works great on big screen but not a small one.


I would say this is better than the previous 9.6 situation but not perfect.

10 - Fireball



I've just downloaded the latest version, 2020.2.3, which I do like overall. However, I was horrified to see an issue that keeps coming back, I'm hoping this time it doesn't take as long to fix. I'm referring to the Select tool no longer showing the whole (or at least the majority) of the field name...again (this is at least the 3rd time this has come back). It appears you only show the first 6-9 characters making it so I have to hover my mouse over each column to get the full name or drag the field pane out every time I click on a select tool/join tool/spatial match tool/find nearest tool/etc etc.



I suggested in the past each time this has happened before, that you just drop the description field, which you give the most room to by far. I've been using Alteryx since you were SRC (too depressing to count how many years that's old) and I have not once put anything in the description area, does anyone really ever use this area on a consistent basis? Or if you can't drop it, maybe not allocate all the room to it & make it one of the smaller panes, which would allow for the actual field names to have more display room, which then allows your user base to more easily tell what is in the data they just loaded.


This is definitely a step backwards in my mind in design/time efficiency, holding out hope this was an oversight & will be fixed next release (fingers crossed, rabbit foot rubbed, lucky shirt on, donated to charity, & knocked on wood)! Please please please.

11 - Bolide

While the Description field has its uses, I completely agree that the field name should default to show more characters. Weird that Rename is always? shown in full while the other field names show as truncated. Minimize Description to a minimum number of characters

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I couldn't agree more that this needs fixed

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for the feedback and letting us know about this! It is odd the behavior keeps changing, and be appreciate being notified so we can better look into why this is occurring. 


I'm not sure this was ever explicitly fixed, it must have gotten accidentally fixed and then broken again. We will work to actually fix it correctly.

5 - Atom

Hi @ARich and @saubert/@simonaubert_bd,


I'm experience the same issue @saubert had initially. Whenever I click on a select tool, the field names are cut off.


rroach_0-1601666907053.png   rroach_1-1601667106102.png



The width is reset if I select a different tool. I started noticing this with version 2019.x and the issue is still present with 2020.3.


Is there a way to fix this?

5 - Atom

I'm getting the same issue but for both the Rename column as well as the Field column.


The rename column is far more annoying as I am unable to resize it, the mouse cursor never transitions from a normal pointer to the horizontal arrows. Wish I could include a screenshot to more accurately describe but trying to capture the pointer on Windows 10 is proving difficult.

5 - Atom

Replying to be notified when a version update fixes this issue.