Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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SSO Single Sign On Salesforce

Dear Developers,


it would be great, if SSO would be possible for Salesforce connector. 

Our company is not so much in favor distributing log-in details for a service account. 

If there is already a solution in place, than perfect, but if not, I guess this functionality would be a lever to use Alteryx in our company.



Best Regards,


8 - Asteroid

Same for me.  Having SSO would be a significant step forward to get access to Salesforce data.


Interestingly, I learned that KNIME has a Salesforce SSO capability.  Please use this idea as a chance to catch up to one of your competitors 🙂

5 - Atom

Any company who takes GDPR seriously will not be able to give Service accounts out to Alteryx users. This means, either Alteryx provide a means to connect to SF using SSO by February 2022, or they lose all their serious SF customers.

5 - Atom

Same for the company I'm working for. Allowing just basic authentication to access Salesforce data is in violation against our internal InfoSec standards.


As a consequence we would have to look for an alternative software solution, when SSO can't be made available to our users. 

5 - Atom

I echo and support everyone on this essential SSO support improvement request. It will align with SSO need to not have a separate id credentials requirment for organizations that are using SSO for Salesforce.

8 - Asteroid

Dear @KylieF 


is there any update on this product idea? You see big support in the community on this feature. For us it is quite critical to have this available to use the SFDC data in a secured environment. 


Many thanks!



7 - Meteor
This feature would be a great value-add for my organization!
7 - Meteor

For GE, we can have a lot of benefit from this type of application, the fact that the tools are prepared to work with SSO would make our engagement much easier.

5 - Atom

I would like to echo all of the other voices on this thread. We need this enhancement asap

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
5 - Atom

Is there any plan on getting SSO for Alteryx connector to Salesforce? Otherwise we will need to replace Alteryx with another tool in our organization.