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SSO Single Sign On Salesforce

Dear Developers,


it would be great, if SSO would be possible for Salesforce connector. 

Our company is not so much in favor distributing log-in details for a service account. 

If there is already a solution in place, than perfect, but if not, I guess this functionality would be a lever to use Alteryx in our company.



Best Regards,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

We appreciate your idea and feedback! We strive to improve our product and insure our users are being heard. Make sure to check out our Submission Guidelines and check out ideas submitted by other users and the other idea boards.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @KylieF 


what other information do you require from my end? I did not see a similar on this yet?



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @Jo-B!


No additional information is required at this point, though it other users would like to include their use cases we always appreciate them. My recommendation of reviewing other users ideas is that our system is partially based on popularity and engagement, so we like to encourage users to engage on other ideas as it helps our product team understand what ideas have the highest value to users.

6 - Meteoroid

This is greatly needed. The "create another user" concept is not an acceptable answer. It creates a number of issues from an audit perspective among other things.

8 - Asteroid

In order for Alteryx to be fully accepted as an essential tool for connecting to Salesforce (as our enterprise CRM platform), it is necessary to have support for other options to authenticate users, such as SSO.  The use of a service/technical account is not acceptable as this introduces problems from an audit standpoint, along with complexity of managing multiple service accounts to restrict access to only certain objects.  Other tool vendors have SSO capability, and it is an embarrassing discussion to have with our InfoSec team when they ask about authentication methods available with Alteryx, in this case specific to Salesforce, and the answer is "not supported".

5 - Atom

This feature would be a great value-add for my organization!

This feature would be a great value-add for my organization!
7 - Meteor

SSO solution would be very useful solution for my organization as well

5 - Atom

We need Salesforce SSO also.  It's counterintuitive to the foundation of SSO to require a service account for access to Salesforce.  A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.  

6 - Meteoroid

Same here. This feature would be much appreciated for all the reasons others have expressed.

5 - Atom

Utilizing this feature (SSO for Salesforce) will provide a tremendous enrichment of our data preparation/modeling capabilities in our organization. There are still ideas of utilizing other tools from other vendors that have this functionality and can connect via SSO with SF and output to their own visualization tool. With Alteryx I see it as much more enriched with functions and possibilities (macros, Apps, etc.) that makes it of a big loss if our organization decide to go for the other solution. I kindly ask to accelerate having this feature in Alteryx as soon as possible.