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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Retain special characters in crosstab column names

The crosstab tool replaces any non-alphanumeric characters with underscores in column names. It would be helpful to keep the original values as column names (or to have the option to toggle whether or not special characters are replaced with underscores).


This is often an issue for reporting and for dynamically-populated app inputs (e.g. drop-down), where we need to retain the special characters.


For example, say I have the following dataset: 



Currently, the crosstab tool produces this:



I would like this:



There are currently (somewhat cumbersome) workarounds such as adding an extra row with the original names, and then using Dynamic Rename to rename the columns, but it would be great to be able to use the data straight out of the crosstab!

8 - Asteroid

This is an absolute necessity 😀