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Reporting tools to allow HEX codes for setting row / column colours

Having just participated in weekly challenge 293 there is a requirement to output a table with certain conditional row colours. However the configuration is based on rgb colour codes, whereas the desired output displays the colours using hex codes. 95% of the development time on this challenge was to get matching colour formatting, so being able to insert hex codes would improve this experience.







Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @cgoodman3, thanks for your feedback! It would be beneficial for our teams to understand how many users would value this sort of update, so be sure to share this with any other users you'd believe would benefit!  

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

I suspect not a huge number of users I suspect, it was more a frustration when trying to colour match exactly the desired output in a weekly challenge, so it's reverse engineering something. I guess it just seems odd to store in the xml the hex code but the input is the rgb values.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

How long has it been since Alteryx has touched the Reporting tools? I'd love to see some improvements in this part of the product, it would be so helpful. The UI and usability of the Reporting tools look like software from the 90's, no offense.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
7 - Meteor

Useful, We need this feature