The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Replace/Change Macro instead of Insert only

In Powerpoint, you can right-click on a picture and replace it with a different picture without losing formatting.


Similar functionality would be useful for replacing custom macros.

  • I would like to be able to switch an old version of a custom macro with a new version in situ, without losing the connections to other tools, interface tools, or location in a container. 

Currently, the only option is to insert the new custom macro and then reset all incoming and outgoing connections. Some downstream tools (e.g., crosstab) lose their existing settings and that has to be reset too. On complicated workflows, this can introduce silent errors.


This capability would be especially helpful for team coding, where different team members are revising different modules for a parent workflow.



Right-clicking on the canvas shows Insert > Macro > (choose from list of open macros)

Right-clicking on an existing macro shows Open Macro


New functionality:

Right-clicking on an existing macro shows Replace/Change Macro > (choose from list of open macros)