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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Openstreetmap extract input

In order to fully take advantage of Alteryx spatial features it would be great to have the ability of using Openstreetmap extract files natively.

While there are some sources available in SHP format they tend to be heavily cut down in detail, while the native OSM and PBF have the full feature set.


As it's an open format licensing shouldn't be an issue and it may pave the way to new features.


What do you think?

1 Comment
8 - Asteroid

I did some further research.

Apparently Alteryx can read .OSM files as XML once you unzip the BZ2 format, however this produces tables with hundreds of columns and seemingly no easy way to reconstruct the polygons.

I'm also not 100% sure it produces the right output as several fields seems to be completely empty but it's a start.


EDIT: I can't seem to find a way to attach a file, I do have a sample ready.