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Have an SQL Tool

I constantly find my using pre and post SQL Commands in the Output tool to run SQL when I don't actually have any data to output.


One example is when I load data into S3 and want to load it into Redshift. I have SQL code to run but no data to Output - I end up running a dummy row into a temp table.


So can we have an SQL tool that simply acts the same as a Pre-SQL command without the associated data output. Once the command is run we should be able to continue the workflow, so the tool should have an option input and output, like the Run Command tool.



13 - Pulsar

@Josh_WI I developed exactly the same principe a few years ago.. 😄

13 - Pulsar

After a few thought, we need actually 2 tools :
-1 for in-memory

-1 for in db

13 - Pulsar

Almost a decade old idea for such a simple, standard, obvious idea





13 - Pulsar

I'm testing Dataiku, and there is this good idea of a SQL notebook you can add in your scenario. It can be whatever your what...