Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Get back to 4 releases per year. 2 is not enough


A few years ago, Alteryx was 4 released per year and now it's only 2 per year (in 2023, as of today, only one !!)

The reasons why I would the cadence to be back to quarter release :

-a quarter cadence means waiting less time to profit of the Alteryx new features so more value

-quarter cadence is now an industry standard on data software.

-for partners, the new situation means less customer upgrade opportunities, so less cash but also less contacts with customers.

Best regards,


9 - Comet

I usually agree with more upgrades, but I know our company and others we work closely with, purposefully delay upgrades and we specifically stay one version behind due to bugs.  Every release has bugs and things that break existing processes, macros, apps, etc.  We prefer not to be the beta testers and upgrade once enough patches are introduced. 


It's frustrating that we don't get to use the new features introduced until months (or a year+ later), but in our experience, that's a price worth paying for more functional software and less troubleshooting on our end.


I assume Alteryx knows many of their customers don't upgrade 4 times a year and changed their release strategy.  


13 - Pulsar

@collin_paceThe number of upgrades should be correlated with the quantity of assets and project advancement. You can make all the upgrades on a brand new customer with 5 or 15 worflows, you would take only a few risk since production wouldn't be impacted. It's even more true when you're in pre-sales with a Proof of Conept. So, yes, I agree : the the idea is not to upgrade everyone with the last release, but to offer more choice. Since some companies have the strategy to install the second to last, it now means 6 months late while it was 3 months late.

Best regards,


10 - Fireball

I agree. I am sure it has to do with them going all in on cloud.

It's unfortunate as we have almost no roadmap for designer desktop their core product.


To further prove this seeming abandonment of Desktop Designer, if you look at the last couple of Maveryx Monthly product updates, there has not been one mention of upcoming features for Desktop Designer OR Server.