Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Formulas - "ingest" existing field name into syntax

This should be for all tools where formulas can be written and should work for all formulas as well, but I will give you my specific pain point as a easy to understand example.


When I write any formula where I am using CONTAINS, i am always thinking through the issue and writing the formula at the same time so I think [Name] contains "Test"

and I write [Name] and have to go back and add the CONTAINS before it, but when you do that instead of automatically wrapping itself around the field it does this:


Contains(String, Target)[Name] 


Can we get an enhancement that sees if you are writing a formula up against a FieldName it will automatically "ingest" the field name into the syntax and leave you with something like this:


Contains([Name] , Target)


That will leave all the other variables which still need to be completed, but it will save time of having to clean up the text of the formula itself.



****Hopefully this makes sense.  If you need me to expand on this, let me know.  Otherwise hopefully other folks feel my pain and can add their commentary in here as well.



10 - Fireball

Hi @DanielG  Agree completely. 


To add to your idea, one thing that I always wanted was if I start to type a formula like you would say it in your head, or like in your example, it would auto-complete. 

So, for instance, if I start to write '[Field] contains', then it would auto-complete after pressing tab to: Contains([Field],"

This could also work for similar formulas such as 'StartsWith, EndsWith' etc. 

12 - Quasar

Yes,  @Rags1982 -- that is what happens to me!  I write it as I think it, then have to go back and adjust.  haha.  Thanks for adding that in here.  😊