Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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European Numbers

In continental Europe, decimals and comma are used differently.  The number 1,345,678.99 would be written in some countries as 1.345.678,99

As a suggested enhancement request, it would be good in the Alteryx user settings to be able to select a country style setting to be applied to numbers throughout the software, such as in a browse, table, report etc. so they are displayed correctly for that user.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
This is a feature that would be fairly easy to implement into reporting but a little more complicated to integrate throughout the product.   Would  just having it inside the reporting tools be adequate or would that be confusing to not have it universal throughout the product?    Let us know.

Laura Sellers
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your feedback! 


Our product localization team updated Alteryx to include support for international number separators. Now our expression editors have the ability to update numbers with the correct localized numeric system and also will default to a specific system based on the selected language. You can check out it out further in our release notes and also download it as of today!