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Display data table on apps


I have an app that a team at my company uses to (sort of) quickly verify transactions. Our legacy VBA application was pretty slick, but in Alteryx it is fairly clunky.



I can not figure out, after a reasonable amount of searching, how to get the Alteryx app to display data before inputs are added. This seems like such an obvious feature-- I have written many Shiny apps that do exactly this. The current Alteryx app is very inefficient. The user must run one app to select a case to review. That app downloads a pdf with the info on it. The user must then run another app that closes the case with the needed information. This process is very slow and inefficient and the users are starting to  migrate back towards 2 excel spreadsheets.



We need a way to display a data table or spreadsheet (or whatever) on the app itself. The workflow needs to be: Open app, select case, data pops up,  off-app work, cases are updated and saved into the ledger. If this solution is available, please show me how to do this. If this is not available can the feature request be considered.


Thank you,



1 Comment
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This sort of interactivity would be a great add for the server.