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Case test functions

There is no straightforward way to know if a string is lower, upper or title case. A workaround such as Contains function or REGEX ones has to be used.


The creation of the following functions would make it easier :

     - IsTitleCase(String) : tests if a string is in TitleCase

     - IsUpperCase(String) : tests if a string is in UpperCase

     - IsLowerCase(String) : tests if a string is in LowerCase

They would all return a boolean and be in the Test category.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback! I've added an extra label to this idea to insure all the correct product teams see it. For anyone interested in this idea be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines which go over the idea boards in a bit greater detail.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jean-Balteryx ,


As you say - because Alteryx doesn't have in inbuilt way of doing case-sensitive equality checks - the simple solution doesn't work

  • if (UpperCase([mystring]) == [mystring]) then...
  • or if (TitleCase([mystring]) == [mystring])


I do agree that a test function like "isUpper" would be more obvious; and would also be good to have a way of doing EXACT string matches rather than having to do a regex Match (like @NicoleJohnson mentioned in her post here:



13 - Pulsar

To quickly check if we are on upper or lower case, you can use an if condition such as iif(regex_match([String_Field],"[a-z]",0),"Lower","Upper"). With the 0 as last argument, we're sure that the mapping is only with lower characters or upper if you write [A-Z].

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
Status changed to: Implemented

Excited for the addition of the IsUppercase and IsLowercase functions in 24.1 release! Check out these 2 new functions (and all the other 24.1 goodies) in our Designer release notes! Happy Alteryx-ing!


NOTE: Due to some complexities around TitleCase when it comes to inconsistent/unclear treatment for handling certain problematically cased words (for example, troublemakers like "McEleavey" and "McCollough"? 😉) we've opted to pass on the TitleCase function for now. However, if you feel strongly about the need for that and/or other formula functions to be included in a future release, please feel free to submit an additional idea!!