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Built in FTP Connector tool

It seems odd to me that Alteryx has so many connectors for complex data sources but lacks a built-in tool for standard FTP and SFTP which is arguably the most common external data source of all.


I've searched around the community and of course there are all kinds of methods involving using the download tool or command line, but all these require quite a bit of setup and advanced understanding.  Why not just setup a built-in tool for FTP that would allow users to easily download and upload to FTP?


Alteryx is all about simplicity and democratization of the data shaping role, so the need for a simple FTP tool seems key to that product vision.  Thanks for considering...


1 Comment
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You are absolutely right @danielkresina - at the moment the Download tool is used for WAY too many things including web scraping, FTP; Rest API calls etc.


Have a look at this post here where I'm suggesting breaking the download tool down into more focussed smaller tools.   That would largely address your issue: