Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Batch Macro Container

I like to suggest having a Batch Macro Container (besides the existing Container) which acts as a Batch Macro within a Workflow and is stored within the Workflow.


I understand that having a batch macro available as a separate tool can be very powerful and reduces redundant work.  However, very often Batch Macros are set up for a specific workflow only and are of no use for other workflows. The Creation of a Batch Macro in a container will significantly reduce the time to deploy a batch macro and keeps the Macro folder clean of one-time Batch Macros.


Attached a picture of how this could look like





11 Kommentare
14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

This is a great idea. I had a similar idea for standard macros where while you bring it into the workflow, you have the option of maximising it (much like minimise and maximise on a tool container) to see how the data was processed through the macro if you want that, or if you want a clean workflow with minimal tools you can collapse it down into one tool.


I also find when building batch macros that I want the experience to be more in-line instead of needing to create the macro in a new canvas.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I like this idea, it reminds me of a similar idea that @Aguisande had about orchestration.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

To expand on this, here’s something I pulled together but didn’t get round to posting for how I think you could implement a tool container / macro ux.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Agree! This is a great idea. There is a large gap with users trying to learn macros. I think this lowers that bar to entry and usage

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


It's awesome to see so much interest in an idea in such a short time frame. Additional feedback on how we can streamline the jump into macros is also greatly appreciated.  If you haven't, be sure to review our Submission Guidelines, which go over the boards in a bit greater detail, and like and comment on any idea that would benefit you.




what I can think of as an interface between the workflow and the batch macro container is a Macro Input Tool / Control Parameter Tool / Macro Output Tool which comes along as a Select Tool and enables the configuration of the input and output.


I also like the idea of a "macro container" or some kind of easy way to convert a piece of ETL into a reusable component (here macro). So support from my side as well.


Agreed!  Most macros that I create are only used in one workflow, and simply exist to avoid repeating code.  I would love to be able to embed them within the workflow itself, instead of maintaining them in separate files.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

super supportive of this @MB25 - this would make canvasses easier to read and debug; and easier to deploy.


I also regularly use workflow specific batch macros to avoid impractical hassles like manually routing hundreds of field names. This would dramatically simplify modifying those macros and adapting them to a workflows structural changes. It would also reduce the clutter of storing and selecting between multiple workflow specific batch macros that all perform the same functions.