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Alteryx should use ODBC SQLColums() function instead of sending a query

Hello all,

I try to use Alteryx and MonetDB, a very cool column store database in Open Source.
When I use the Visual Query Builder, I get this :



The fields names are totally absent.

The reason is Alteryx does not use the standard ODBC SQLColums() function at all but send some query (here "select * from demo.exemplecomparetable.fruit1 a where 0=1" ) to get a sample of data. In the same time, Monetdb sends the error "SELECT: only a schema and table name expected" (not shown to user, totally silent)

I think this should be implemented like that :
1/use of SQLColums() function which is a standard for ODBC and should work most of the time
2/if SQLColums() does not work, send the current queries.

It's widely discussed here with the MonetDB team.

Best regards,





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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes