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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Ability to color code connector lines in workflow

As we have the option to name the connector line in the Connection-Configuration, the option to color code those lines would be of great help. 

11 - Bolide

I second that! 

When blending data, it would be nice to color code connectors based on different attributes. For example, blue for one input, green for another. maybe maybe based on database flavor. 

Similar to what can be done in Visio... 

How about exporting a workflow directly to a Visio diagram? ;)



12 - Quasar

I think this is a really good idea!

6 - Meteoroid

I agree.  Sometimes I have what looks like spaghetti & was thinking if I could make the lines different colors, it would be easier to trace them.

5 - Atom

Yes, color coding connection lines would be helpful in organizing the workflow for others to easily follow, and for training.  In addition to color coding connection lines, it would also be helpful if we could place/move/anchor connections lines where you want them on the workflow.

5 - Atom

I agree

5 - Atom

It should be basic feature. As it helps users to understand the connection from one tool to another.

I highly recommend other users to vote this Idea

7 - Meteor

Agree that this feature would be very beneficial.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This would be a nice add!