Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Hello all,

I just had a meeting about Collibra. And there is a feature I would like to see on Alteryx connect : an addon to the browser of the user so that he can make a copy pasta from the dataviz application ( ). Very nice in demonstration and in real life.



Best regards,


When an Alteryx Workflow/Analytic App is uploaded to the Alteryx Gallery it can be shared with other users. Unfortunately the owner can only see the results of his/her own runs. 

We would like to have the possibility to share the workflow results for certain Apps/Workflows in the Alteryx Gallery with other users. Otherwise the only way to provide these results to the users is via MongoDB.

(Maybe they can be shared within collections or on a user level.)




It would be very beneficial from an end-user experience if we could provide more information on the Tool Details portion in Connect. Below is an example:



In Connect it tells us a filter tool is used and the expression. What's missing is a title if one is supplied in Designer. This would be incredibly beneficial as this will provide more context to the end user why an expression was used. Below is what's found in the Designer:



If a Name field can also be brought over it will help provide more meaning to the Expression.  







Our customers face up with asset name limitation – 200 chars.

This number of chars is not enough in many cases when they describe glossary terms.

Please extend this limit at least twice (to 400 chars)



Could you make saving filter settings inside folders for each user individually?

We a have a lot of terms and other assets, and when user works with his own assets he would like to return to folder with last filter settings.

Otherwise user has to set up filters again.


Virtual folders are not convenient because if each of thousand users will create his own virtual folder(s) it will be hard to navigate inside thousands of virtual folders.



Hi Alteryx Team,


We are very glad that the custom field functionality is available in Alteryx Connect. We were wondering, if it would be possible to enhance this functionality and enable additional features like the following:


  1. Location of the custom fields
    • The custom fields currently appear in the bottom right part of the asset pages. Very often, we are loading important informtion into these fields and it would be very helpful to be able to put them for example directly under the description field.
  2. Text editing options in the text fields
    • It would be great to have similar editting options in the text custom fields as in the description field. This would enable us to customize the look and feel of the pages and together with being able to move the custom fields around, this would be a great benefit for our users.
  3. People icons in Picker fields
    • One of the things we are using picker custom fields for are the different roles that we assign to Connect users - for example data stewards. It would be great for this "people" type of fields to have the same "icon" look as the out-of-the-box Owner and Contributor fields available in the Asset Details section.
    • Another idea would be to have the possibility to put these "people custom fields" directly under the Owner and Contributor fields.

Thank you very much for considering these ideas.


Kind regards,

Jan Laznicka


When I add descriptions to tables or columns in Connect then use that asset in a workflow, I would like to see the same table and column descriptions within the metadata in Designer. To illustrate, I've shared some screenshots...





Hi Alteryx Team,


Can you please add PDF or Word Download Option for Glossary Definition Term in Alteryx Connect. 




We are moving our measure specifications that are in a PDF format to the Connect glossary.  We would like to keep the formatting that exists in the PDF when copying the spec.  However, the format doesn't always copy over.  It would be nice to have the 'Format Painter' option similar to what is in MS Word where you can copy the format from one line to another line.


We found out that we are able to setup Nexus modes in global config settings.

We can distinguish modes by relationship types and object types. It is nice.

We would like to distinguish Nexus setting by object’s location as well (to show/hide objects in diagram by their location).

For example to show terms from one folder and to hide terms from another.

We ask you to make possibility to setup Nexus to filter out objects by their location.