Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Provide queue for email notifications in case of SMTP issues

If you remove the configuration of the SMTP server while you are in development, (the current solution to spamming users with notifications during the setup period of the data catalog) then put the SMTP server configuration back in when you are finished setup, all the changes that have happened in the interim will not be sent as a bulk send. This a risk when an email server is unavailable for a period of time that notifications for changes/comments/tasks will be missed.


Once the ability to switch notifications on and off is implemented, I think it would be worth reviewing how feasible this is.

3 Commentaires
Statut modifié en : Accepted
Statut modifié en : Coming Soon

Hi, I'm putting this into Coming Soon stage, since we have started working on this feature and it should be present in an upcoming release.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Statut modifié en : Implemented

Thank you for suggesting this idea!


Our product team has included a queue for email notifications within the latest version of Connect, 2020.4, which can be downloaded here!