Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Custom field location and design enhancement

Hi Alteryx Team,


We are very glad that the custom field functionality is available in Alteryx Connect. We were wondering, if it would be possible to enhance this functionality and enable additional features like the following:


  1. Location of the custom fields
    • The custom fields currently appear in the bottom right part of the asset pages. Very often, we are loading important informtion into these fields and it would be very helpful to be able to put them for example directly under the description field.
  2. Text editing options in the text fields
    • It would be great to have similar editting options in the text custom fields as in the description field. This would enable us to customize the look and feel of the pages and together with being able to move the custom fields around, this would be a great benefit for our users.
  3. People icons in Picker fields
    • One of the things we are using picker custom fields for are the different roles that we assign to Connect users - for example data stewards. It would be great for this "people" type of fields to have the same "icon" look as the out-of-the-box Owner and Contributor fields available in the Asset Details section.
    • Another idea would be to have the possibility to put these "people custom fields" directly under the Owner and Contributor fields.

Thank you very much for considering these ideas.


Kind regards,

Jan Laznicka

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


Our product team greatly appreciates all the feedback and the thorough explanation of how you'd like to see these features improved. It really helps us understand the use case and goals of our users.