Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Alternate Names for source systems

Hi Alteryx Connect team,


I would like to propose a change to a currently available feature - the alternate names.


On our client deployment, we are loading a number of databases, Alteryx Galleries and reporting servers. For the business users, some of the automatic names that are assigned to these source systems do not make much sense. Would it be possible to enable the alternate names for front-end editing after automatic loading? I know that the feature is available even for these assets, but I guess it is disabled in the config files.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.


Kind regards,

Jan Laznicka

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


We appreciate all the feedback you provide, especially since the Alteryx Connect is one of our less common products. This feedback helps our product team get proper visibility into how customers use our products, and what features would benefit our users most.