Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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"Select Tool", Move select/deselect all

Improve "Select Tool" by by moving the select/deselect All from the Options and placing in the header.


The Data Cleansing Tool already has all/none posted in a better position.

Data Cleaning.JPG


Meanwhile you have to go to Option for this same feature in Select.


5 - Atom

Yes, this will be really helpful! 🙂

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea! Just to clarify for our product managers, would this idea be for the Select/Deselect All to be in a better location or in the Select tool overall?


If it's for the Select/Deselect All to be present in the Select tool, that feature it is actually present. You'll just need to select Options > Select and you can chose between the two options.


6 - Meteoroid

Select/Deselect is already available in the 'Select tool".

Simply moving this feature to a better location.

I propose moving select/deselect all to tool header so it is always showing (similar to data cleansing).
This would reduces the number of clicks a user needs to make.

It always makes the interface more uniform among different tools.

8 - Asteroid

I thought I was pretty clear.

The select tool indeed does have Select/Deselect All, but is in under Options.
Essentially, it is a pointless extra click to dig deeper into the menu. 
The user interface would be improved if it were placed in the header similar to the Data Cleansing Tool. 

The Data Cleansing Tool has Select All in a better location.
Software is always better when you can reduce pointless clicking. 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

I'd like all tools that contain SELECT functionality to have a button ability to turn all on/off (like you can in browse everywhere).



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for chiming in, Mark! I merged your post with an existing idea.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes