Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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"Convert to Dummy Data" Tool

The most difficult part about quickly sharing Community Questions and Solutions is constructing representative "Dummy" data values as static Text Inputs that can be packaged in a workflow. Most of us are almost exclusively working with sensitive client and company data that cannot be shared. It would be great to have a tool that converted values over to dummy values based on the type of data in that field. Kind of like a dynamic find and replace that randomizes values, replaces occurrences with similar dummy values, or scrambles string values in an indecipherable way.


The tool output could directly update a connected "Create Text Input" tool, or it could be connected to a browse tool that could quickly be converted to a Text Input.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @iCFO, there are so many use cases for a data generator - or obfuscator! In the meantime, check out the sample data included with the software, you might find it helpful.





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes