Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be helpful to be able to filter within the results window of a Browse tool for all "Not OK" records (records with leading/trailing spaces, embedded newlines, etc.) I can already filter for null and empty values, but this would be helpful for cleaning up data. I want to see the "dirty" data before taking out leading/trailing spaces or embedded new lines to see if there is something I'm missing in the data that needs to be further parsed or modified.

The original engine support expanding the formula tool with custom functions either in XML or C++. The new AMP doesn't support these yet.


There is a fair number of user who are using these in E1 and would be good to have this available in AMP

As @Jonathan-Sherman pointed out in his blog post we love that the toolbar is back in version 2020.2!


One way that this toolbar could be enhanced, however, is to allow the use of the save button while a workflow is running. The user can still click File->Save while the workflow is running, but it would be quicker to be able to use the button on the toolbar.




I know we have the capability to copy a Tool, and paste it into a Connection. This step requires having to right click on the connection to select the option Paste In Connection. I don't know how many times I've tried to copy tool, click on connection, and do Ctrl + V to paste just remember that it does work that way. It sure would be nice if it did.

When I proceed with this command in a python tool:


from ayx import Package

Package.installPackages(package='pandas',install_type='install --upgrade')


in Alteryx it only updates to 0.25, but the Latest version is 1.1.2.


When I would like to upgrade from the Python side i get the following:

ERROR: ayx 1.0.54 has requirement pandas<0.25.0,>=0.24.2, but you'll have pandas 1.1.2 which is incompatible.


Can you please make sure we can upgrade to the latest version of pandas without any compatibility issue?


This is important because of json_normalize. Really useful tool, available from pandas 1.0.3!

Currently, if you download and Alteryx package from an alternative version it doesn't allow import into a newer version.



Workflows allow this with a warning it would be good to allow it on packages too. 

Hello Alteryx,


Would it be possible to extend the "Cache and Run" functionality also to tools with multiple outputs? Our clients use the R and Python tools very frequently and the runtimes tend to be pretty long. For the development purposes, it would be great to have the caching possibilities also on these tools.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.



Jan Laznicka

There is no straightforward way to know if a string is lower, upper or title case. A workaround such as Contains function or REGEX ones has to be used.


The creation of the following functions would make it easier :

     - IsTitleCase(String) : tests if a string is in TitleCase

     - IsUpperCase(String) : tests if a string is in UpperCase

     - IsLowerCase(String) : tests if a string is in LowerCase

They would all return a boolean and be in the Test category.

When I have AMP enabled, I can no longer performance profile my workflows. I get that there may be issues with calculating this across multiple threads but it'd be great to have Performance profiling available for the new engine. 

I version all of my Alteryx work professionally and personally using git. Positions seem to be stored as floating points in XML and this can lead to unwanted behaviours in git. Containers can float around the canvas over time across many commits. There is also plenty of noise while diffing workflows. The noise is all of the "changes" in tool and container positions actually resulting from floating points. Is it possible to store positions in XML without floating points?

In 2018.4, in the Select tool we were able to select the attributes, and then with CTRL+C copy these lines to the clipboard.


You could then paste it for instance to Excel. I used a lot this feature to communicate with third parties, to who I provide data.




Lately I've used the 'Add Prefix to Field Names' option in the Select tool. It works great, however when you click the button to add a prefix, the new window pops up and the focus is on the checkbox. I think when this box pops up, the focus should be in the text box so the user can start typing right after they click the button. This is the same case for the Add Suffix option, too.


Annotation 2020-05-05 072010.png


Annotation 2020-05-05 072034.png

I would like to see the Publish to Tableau Server tool updated to allow appending an extract with Encryption at Rest enabled.  As data security requirements become more stringent, this would be a beneficial option.  Right now, I'm only able to create or overwrite an extract if I've turned on server-wide encryption at rest enforcement in Tableau Server.

*This is an idea from @fmvizcaino  from the Portuguese Community*


  • Global DateTime support

If you forget to put a name on a new column in the formula tool - the error message is 

The field "" is not contained in the record. (Expression #1)


Please could you replace this with a user-friendly message which is self descriptive like:

"Please provide a name for the new column created in expression 1"?





Our organization uses Sharepoint Online store and collaborate on several excel files.  These excel files will serve as an input to our workflows.  Please create an input tool that can save save credentials for sharepoint, then an excel file from sharepoint.

On shared collection , users have access to the collection shared by other  team members. When users copy the ‘Publish to Tableau Server ‘  tool from one workflow to another it copies with the credentials embedded in the tool as well. 


As user John Doe’s workflow publishes data on to tableau server with  Peter’s credentials as the publish to dashboard tool was copied from Peter’s workflow.


The concern really is  Users copying tools from one workflow can really copy the credentials as well. Enhancement to the publish to Tableau tool would be much appreciated. 

I would like to see the Publish to Tableau Server tool updated to include the option of authenticating with a Personal Access Token in addition to Username/Password.  The user would be able to toggle the login method and provided the necessary credentials for that method.

When we edit formula tool, only first expression is expanded. I prefer all expressions are expanded as a default. When I want to shrink them, I want to 'expand all' icon like attached snap shot. This icon is toggled same as each expression's expand icon('expand all' <-> 'shrink all')


After hitting "Test" in Workflow Dependencies:

Failed result = Bold red text (and a message)

Success result = Nothing? 


Maybe we could get bold green letting us know that the test completed successfully. 

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